Pepperidge Farm is calling out Trader Joe’s for allegedly being some kind of cookie monster, claiming in a new lawsuit that the grocery company is infringing on its trademark for selling a cookie that it says is a ripoff of its Milano cookie. [More]
cookie monsters

Man Arrested For Stealing $300 Cash From Girl Scout Cookie Booth
It’s that time of year again, when groups of youngsters camp out in front of retailers and the occasional medical marijuana dispensary to sell Girl Scout cookies. Most of us look at their displays and see delicious but pricey temptation. Some terrible people see a box full of money guarded by a few little girls. [More]

At Least One Alleged Girl Scout Cookie Thief Has Been Apprehended
Rest easy, everyone: The (alleged) South Carolina Girl Scout Cookie Bandit has been apprehended. The accused is a worker at the storage company where the cookies were swiped from, making this an inside job. A round of Thin Mints and milk, please. [] [More]

Picky Thieves Steal $19K Worth Of Girl Scout Cookies — All In Thin Mints & Shortbread
We’ve all got our favorite type of Girl Scout cookie, and it appears lowdown, dirty thieving scoundrels who would steal from the young scouts are no exception. Someone made off with almost $19,000 worth of cookies from a South Carolina warehouse — all of them either of the Thin Mints or Shortbread variety. [More]