If there’s anything we love at Consumerist, it’s feats of fast-food audacity. We’re not sure that the Glazed Donut Breakfast Sandwich at Dunkin’ Donuts even qualifies, though. Not anymore. Sandwiches on a donut might be a departure for Dunkin’, but everyone else has been putting burgers on them for years now. Yet some brave souls had to try it for themselves and find out. [More]
dunkin donuts

Dunkin’ Donuts Continues Westward March With First Utah Location Opening Today
Attention, everyone! The Wild West has finally been tamed. Or it’s at least about to become more caffeinated/glazed, as the very first Dunkin’ Donuts ever to stand in Utah is opening today. This, before the East Coast favorite finally marches westward into California in 2015, slinging donuts and spray coffee as it goes. [More]

It’s Time To Make The Gluten-Free Donuts, Says Dunkin’
If you had been asked to predict which national fast-food chain would be the first to offer gluten-free products, you probably wouldn’t have picked Dunkin’ Donuts, whose very name seems like it should be covered in wheat flour, but the company says it will be selling both gluten-free donuts and muffins in all its U.S. stores. [More]

9 Things We Can Never Unhear From Customer’s Dunkin’ Donuts Receipt Rant
Set your cringe muscles on “active” and stick in those earbuds, because we’re about to steer you into a very NSFW 8-minute video journey into the land of Consumers Behaving Badly. Just to remind you all once again, that there’s a whole lot of language in here that is not meant for polite company — including racial slurs toward the very end — so view with caution. [More]

Dunkin’ Donuts Celebrates National Donut Day By Selling Me A Sad Version Of Its New Sandwich
Not too long ago we were introduced to the newest breakfast sandwich to join the Dunkin’ Donuts bunch — a glazed doughnut serving as the bun, as it were, cradling eggs and bacon. Sounds about right, we thought. And hey, today is National Donut Day, so that works out in terms of promotional timing. But as is often the case, the reality of what Consumerist reader Howard ordered is, at least by appearances, a far cry from what is advertised. [More]

Shirtless Customer Walks Into Dunkin’ Donuts, Rips Shirt Off Employee’s Back
Police in Berks County, PA, are on the lookout for a Dunkin’ Donuts customer who strode into the store without a shirt on and then helped himself to a shirt that was being worn by a DD employee at the time. [More]

Dunkin’ Donuts Unleashing Bacon & Egg Doughnut Sandwich On Waistlines Nationwide
How many times have you stared at a doughnut, bacon and eggs and bemoaned the fact that the three items weren’t all together in some kind of stack situation you could put in your mouth in the morning? Rest your worried head, dear readers, on the squishy glazed pillow of Dunkin’ Donuts new doughnut breakfast sandwich, rolling out nationwide this week. [More]

Threatening To Rob A Dunkin’ Donuts Worker Who Has Access To Hot Coffee Ends Predictably
Not every fast food restaurant employee has weapons available to thwart robberies, but at a place like Dunkin’ Donuts there’s one very hot, effective tool at hand. Yes, coffee. Hot, steaming, flying through the air at your face coffee. [More]

Southern California To Finally Get Dunkin’ Donuts… In 2015
For those of us in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast, Dunkin’ Donuts has been a part of the fast food landscape for decades. Meanwhile, to many folks in sunny Southern California, Dunkin’ was something you occasionally had while on a business trip to New Jersey. But that is going to change in the not-terribly-distant future. [More]

Dunkin’ Donuts Can’t Trademark “Best Coffee In America”
People might love Dunkin’ Donuts coffee — some might even say it’s the best around, and no one is saying the donut chain can’t call its brew America’s best. Regardless, DD’s application to trademark the phrase “Best Coffee in America” has been nixed for now. [More]

In Case You Weren't Aware, Throwing Hot Tea At Dunkin' Donuts Workers Will Not Resolve Your Issue
Complaining about poor service is one thing, but when you put yourself into battle mode because of a perceived slight, you’re just courting trouble. A Dunkin’ Donuts customer was reportedly not quite pleased with how she was being treated recently, and got more than herself into hot water when she tossed tea at employees recently. [More]

It's National Doughnut Day, So Get Your (Possibly) Free Doughnuts
It’s the first Friday in June, which all good Americans know means it’s National Doughnut Day. So it’s time to score some free grub, though possibly with a catch or two. [More]

Dunkin' Donuts Breaks Up With Pepsi To Go Steady With Coke
If your world actually does run on Dunkin’, you may notice a bit of a change at your local chain. The company announced Monday that they’re switching from offering PepsiCo products to Coca-Cola in all Dunkin’ Donuts and Baskin Robbins in the U.S. [More]

Dunkin' Donuts Using Pork Pastries & LeBron James To Woo China
A plan that includes pork donuts and LeBron James might not work so well in say, Cleveland, but Dunkin’ Donuts is betting those in China will just love it. Its parent company is shooting for the stars over in China, where it aims to open another 100 stores. [More]
Fast Food Restaurants Seek To Fan The Flames Of Love This Valentine's Day
Besides the fact that it’s Tuesday, today also happens to be Valentine’s Day. And although we already told you to stay home for dinner, you and your loved one might have the sudden urge for a last-minute meal on the town. Reservations at Chateau Fancy might be hard to come by, but fast food will always be there for you. [More]

Dunkin' Donuts To Bring Double The Delight With Additional U.S. Locations
Bring on the doughnut holes and extremely large iced coffees! Dunkin’ Donuts has announced plans to double its locations in the U.S. There are around 7,000 stores open as of now, and the increase will take place over the next 20 years. [More]

Home Depot, Starbucks To Make A Pile Of Post-Hurricane Cash
Reports state that Hurricane Irene could have done anywhere from $3 billion to $10 billion in damage during her brief trip up the East Coast. That’s a lot of plywood, nails, plaster and everything else that will be needed for repair. It’s also a lot of coffee for beleaguered consumers. [More]

Dunkin' Donuts Staffer Adds 'Sex In Parking Lot' To Drive-Thru Menu
It’s officially time to declare a Dunkin’ Donuts crime wave. First came the report of a DD staffer putting a little something extra in cops’ coffee. Now, it’s an employee who decided to spice up the late-night menu with sex-for-cash in the parking lot. [More]