While living next door to a breakfast restaurant might sound like a dream come true to some, the neighbor of a Waffle House in Alabama says it was more of a nightmare, claiming grease and sewage from the business has leaked onto his property and damaged his home. [More]
waffle house

Hurricane Matthew Is Really Serious: Waffle House Is Closed
When there’s a disaster in certain areas of the country, people turn to an entity known for its careful preparation for times of crisis and its dependability to be the first business in town to reopen, if it closed at all. With the imminent arrival of Hurricane Matthew, all eyes are on this key piece of our infrastructure: Waffle House. [More]

Patrons Chase Would-Be Robber Out Of Waffle House
There are loyal customers, and then there are customers who go a bit farther than showing up for a free coffee after 12 visits. Like the patrons of a North Carolina Waffle House, who police say chased an armed robbery suspect out of the restaurant after he demanded cash. [More]

Waffle House Fires Workers Caught On Camera Running A Kitchen Hair Salon
There are a few businesses where customers might expect to witness employees performing grooming rituals, of course. But because a restaurant is definitely not a salon, two Arkansas Waffle House workers were fired after customers filmed them doing stuff with hair in the kitchen. [More]

Reminder: Shattering A Glass Door Will Not Lead To Cheaper Sausage Biscuits At Waffle House
Getting upset when you find out a beloved menu item costs more today than yesterday is completely understandable, but damaging a restaurant’s property will not do anything to mitigate that problem. To that end, police in Georgia say a man who was enraged over the increase price of Waffle House’s sausage biscuits shattered a glass door on his way out of the restaurant. [More]

Customer Who Ordered One Billionth Waffle At Atlanta Waffle House Nails It: “That’s A Lot Of Waffles”
Although there could only be one customer to earn the distinction of the person who ordered Waffle House’s one billionth waffle, all the customers at the Atlanta restaurant who witnessed the milestone on Tuesday did get to share in the celebrations, by way of breakfast on the house for everyone. [More]

Waffle House Teams Up With App That Recruits Travelers To Deliver Packages
The next time you go to Waffle House, you could pick up more than a stack of syrup-covered breakfast delight: The restaurant chain has teamed up with a startup company to work with college students and other road trippers willing to ferry packages around the country on their travels. [More]

Waffle House Urges Team USA Fans To Boycott Belgian Waffles Ahead Of World Cup Match
At any other time, it would be perfectly acceptable — nay! completely encouraged to enjoy a tasty Belgian waffle. But this is not that any other time, Waffle House is reminding Americans, not when Team USA is about to face Team Belgium in the World Cup tomorrow. [More]

Waffle House Sort Of Sorry For Refunding Waitress’s $1,000 Tip
Yesterday we told you about the Waffle House waitress in North Carolina whose $1,000 tip was automatically refunded to the customer who’d left it because of a policy at the restaurant chain. After being shamed in the media for keeping one of its employees from keeping money that would have greatly improved her life, Waffle House is now saying that maybe it should reconsider things. [More]

Waffle House Policy Keeps Waitress From Keeping $1,000 Tip
If you’re looking to leave a very special tip for your Waffle House server, do it with cash. That’s the lesson learned from the story of one WH waitress in North Carolina who couldn’t keep the 4-digit tip left by a generous customer. [More]

Police: Man Held Up Waffle House With A Pitchfork, Stole Cash Register
Just because your methods are somewhat antiquated doesn’t mean you can get away with allegedly robbing a Waffle House using a pitchfork as your method of force. Police in Georgia are looking for a man accused of forcing Waffle House employee into the back of the restaurant with the farming tool so he could plunder the register. [More]

Cops: Woman Dressed As Waffle House Manager Inspected Bathrooms Before Stealing Cash
We’re not sure if there’s such a thing as “method villainy” but one woman suspected of stealing from a Waffle House cash register certainly seemed to be dedicated to her role as an area manager. While posing as staff, she first made sure to complete managerial duties before allegedly plundering the cash register. [More]

This Waffle House Adds 20% Surcharge To Pay For Security
Used to be, if a business wanted to spend money to bolster its security, it would have to eat that cost or pass it on to the customer in the form of higher prices. But one Atlanta Waffle House has decided to keep the menu prices the same, and just tack on a 20% surcharge to cover the extra security cost. [More]

10 Examples Of Why Companies Should Just Avoid Twitter Altogether
People talk about the risk posed by the immediacy of the Internet. Items can be posted with little thought about consequences, or made public by accident, and no matter how much deleting or editing you might do, the truth — as the kids say — is out there. Nowhere is this danger more evident than the Twittersphere. [More]

Stealing A Meal From Waffle House At Gunpoint Will Earn You 35 Years In The Hoosegow
We can’t imagine that even the fluffiest, most fruit-laden syrupy stack of waffles would ever be worth 35 years in prison, but a judge is sending an Alabama man to the slammer for that stretch for stealing a meal from a Waffle House. [More]
Fast Food Restaurants Seek To Fan The Flames Of Love This Valentine's Day
Besides the fact that it’s Tuesday, today also happens to be Valentine’s Day. And although we already told you to stay home for dinner, you and your loved one might have the sudden urge for a last-minute meal on the town. Reservations at Chateau Fancy might be hard to come by, but fast food will always be there for you. [More]

Why Is Waffle House Such A News Magnet?
When something big goes down in the news, and it happens at a diner, it’s not unlikely that Waffle House is somehow involved. From acting as a sign of the effects of natural disaster to a string of robberies, Waffle House gets in on the headline action quite often. [More]

After The Storm: Shop At Home Depot, Eat At Waffle House
Which retailers are best at preparing for major disasters? According to some experts, big-box chains like Home Depot and Lowe’s earn high marks for responding rapidly to blizzards, tornadoes and hurricanes. Then there’s Waffle House, which FEMA administrator W. Craig Fugate cites as being one of the indicators he uses to determine whether a community has recovered from a disaster: If the restaurant is open and serving a full menu, things are okay. [More]