It’s your birthday, and you’re hungry. You’d like to treat yourself to something delicious, something… free. Where should you go? We’ve got a huge list you can start with. [More]
get in my belly

It’s National Pancake Day, Which Means Free Pancakes From IHOP
If you love pancakes, you’ve probably had today marked on your calendar for some time: It’s National Pancake Day, which can mean only one thing: IHOP is giving away free flapjacks. [More]

Here’s Where To Get Your National Pancake Day Deals & Freebies
Congratulations, flapjack lovers, today is your day: it’s National Pancake Day, which means restaurants are offering up discounted or free food. But even if flat breakfast fare isn’t your thing, there are plenty of other spots handing out deals and freebies today. [More]

Why Bake With Cake Batter In A Can When You Can Just Open Your Mouth And Aim?
First of all, let’s all bow our heads and acknowledge the culinary efforts of a group of Harvard students who figured out how to put cake batter in a spray can [pause for acknowledgement]. Now that that’s done, don’t be silly, college kids! I don’t need to bake a cake — in the microwave, no less — with that invention, just spray it directly into my mouth for maximum tastiness. [More]

Essential Recipes To Trick Everyone Into Thinking You’re A Thanksgiving Dinner Pro
The pumpkin pie is jiggling like it’s got a life of its own, the turkey is sadly unbrowned and swimming in watery, unappetizing gravy and the mashed potatoes taste like glue. No one wants that scenario, which is why we’re all lucky there are experts out there to boil Thanksgiving down to the basics and tell the rest of us what to do. Thanks to them, we can all pull off an impressive dinner. Or at least give it the old college try. Take it away, experts! [] [More]

Dunkin’ Donuts Unleashing Bacon & Egg Doughnut Sandwich On Waistlines Nationwide
How many times have you stared at a doughnut, bacon and eggs and bemoaned the fact that the three items weren’t all together in some kind of stack situation you could put in your mouth in the morning? Rest your worried head, dear readers, on the squishy glazed pillow of Dunkin’ Donuts new doughnut breakfast sandwich, rolling out nationwide this week. [More]

Creative Ways To Put Your Leftover Easter Candy To Good Use
If you haven’t already deprived every Easter basket in sight of its jelly beans, Peeps and chocolate eggs and find yourself needing a way to get rid of the sugary temptations beyond foisting it off on your coworkers (who will claim they’re all on diets and you are ruining said diets) there is hope. [More]

The Easter Bunny Continues To Creep Into Father Christmas' Candy Territory
While most of us are in the full throes of dancing sugarplum dreams and peppermint bark binges, it seems the Easter Bunny (or at least Cadbury) is not to be deterred in his efforts to overthrow the Christmas candy season — a seasonal creep we have come to call “Premature Resurrection.” [More]