Two police officers in Boston grew suspicious when they ordered coffee at Dunkin’ Donuts and witnessed the worker slink out of sight to make their drinks. They turned their attention to a monitor with a camera in the back room and saw the worker allegedly add nasal mucus to their coffee. [More]
dunkin donuts

Thieves Accidentally Steal Treats, Not Cash, From Dunkin' Donuts
Three guys must’ve gotten quite the sugar rush when they realized they’d accidentally allegedly stolen a bag of doughnuts from a Dunkin’ Donuts in Hyannis, Mass. instead of cash. [More]

Woman Sues Dunkin' Donuts For Putting Sugar In Her Coffee
It seems like every other day someone sues a fast food chain after being scalded by too-hot coffee. But a woman in Philadelphia is trying to break that trend by suing Dunkin’ Donuts for brewing up some java that too sweet. [More]

Remember To Score Your Free Donuts Today At Krispy Kreme And Dunkin' Donuts
In case you’d forgotten to mark it on your calendar, today is National Doughnut Day, a day on which we remember the true meaning of Christmas that we work hard and deserve a free damn donut every once in a while. Luckily, the folks at Krispy Kreme and Dunkin’ Donuts are willing to oblige. [More]

The Dunkin' Donuts Buttered Bagel Battle
Sometimes, the ripoffs that are the most frustrating are the smallest ones: small transactions that are repeated thousands of times and eventually add up to some real money. Brian has one such issue with his local Dunkin’ Donuts outlets: they keep charging him too much for a bagel with butter. Seems petty, doesn’t it? They charge him for a bagel with spread, then charge separately for the butter, at a difference of $1 for every bagel. If he buys a bagel five days a week, fifty weeks a year, that’s $250 over the course of a year. He could be halfway to buying an iPad, just on butter overcharges. [More]

NJ Couple Marries At Dunkin' Donuts
How much do you like Dunkin’ Donuts? Definitely not as much as the New Jersey couple who are so devoted to its drive-thru coffee that they decided to get married there. [More]

This Dunkin' Donuts Tip Cup Has Trust Issues
The workers at this Dunkin’ Donuts hope that you’ll be happy enough with their service that you’ll leave a tip. But doesn’t trust you not to run off with the tip jar. [More]

Chef Tries, Succeeds In Making Better Meat Munchkin Than Dunkin' Donuts
Earlier this month, Dunkin’ Donuts launched a new sausage-in-dough-with-maple-syrup product they call “sausage pancake bites,” but which many have just taken to calling “meat munchkins.” But one NYC food blogger, unhappy with the results of his taste test, challenged a real restaurant chef to go DD one better. [More]

Breastfeeding Mom: Dunkin' Donuts Staff Called The Police On Me
We know that breastfeeding in public — specifically in eateries — is a divisive topic, but does nursing a baby ever merit contacting the authorities? [More]

Dunkin Donuts Launches Meat Munchkins
This has been a great year for fast food innovations and Dunkin Donuts continues the “I’m broke so I’ll just take a staycation in my mouth” trend with the new Sausage Pancake Bites, aka meat munchkins. [More]

Rogue, Penny-Abolishing Dunkin' Donuts Is No Longer Rogue Or Penny-Abolishing
Remember just a few days ago when we wrote about that visionary Dunkin’ Donuts franchise that had started a voluntary no-penny policy? Well it didn’t last long, as NPR has learned from Dunkin’ HQ that the penny-abolishing policy has since been abolished. [More]

A Lone Dunkin' Donuts Sort Of Abolishes Pennies
One donut shop is taking a stand against the bacteria-ridden zinc disks of suck that are pennies. Reader Tom sent us this photo from a store he recently visited. In a policy change that was probably born during an 8 AM rush, this franchise appears to be are rounding customer totals up or down to the nearest five cents, and only providing pennies to those annoying people who actually want them. [More]

Dunkin' Donuts Staffers Tells Blind Customer Her Guide Dog Isn't Welcome
A legally blind woman in Massachusetts claims that she was recently told twice in the same day that her guide dog was not allowed in her local Dunkin’ Donuts. [More]

This Dunkin' Donuts Employee Doesn't Run On Anything
I guess it’s not appropriate to force Dunkin’ Donuts employees to drink the coffee they sell, but they should at least show up to work with their short term memory intact. [More]

Dunkin Donuts Unveils Incredibly Lame Promo Offer
Consumerist reader RandomHookup (probably not their given name) forwarded us a promo e-mail they received from Dunkin Donuts that asks customers to go out to a DD, buy one of their mocha drinks, take a photo of it, and be rewarded for their efforts with… fun facts. [More]

Get Plump And Hyper, It's National (Free) Doughnut Day
As if it weren’t awesome enough that today is Friday, you can also cruise around from doughnut shop to doughnut shop and get free goodies. You’ll know whether or not your doughnut shop is participating in National Doughnut Day depending on whether or not they call the cops on you after you make off with a free sugary delights, conspicuously shaped like the spare tires that’ll emerge around your gut if you munch too many. [More]

Free Small Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee Today (Select Markets)
If you live in one of the following cities, you can get a free small iced coffee at Dunkin’ Donuts today, May 11th: [More]

Correction: No Free Dunkin' Donuts For Tax Day
CORRECTION: We sadly admit that we made a grievous error yesterday in announcing that Dunkin’ Donuts would be giving away free donuts nationwide on April 15. We were in possession of an old press release that was no longer valid. According to DD’s publicists, the free donut deal is only available in Las Vegas today. This is a huge mistake and we apologize to those who were misled. [More]