In an effort to boosts its business in the U.S., McDonald’s is considering making some big changes to one of its go-to products: the chain says it’s testing a new Chicken McNuggets recipe that’s devoid of artificial preservatives. [More]
chicken mcnuggets

Lawsuit: “Defective” Chicken McNugget Contained Bone Shards That Caused “Severe Injury” When Swallowed
A Chicago man says he had to take a trip to the emergency room after eating what he calls a “defective” Chicken McNugget caused him “severe injury” when he swallowed it. He’s filed a lawsuit claiming the food in question contained one or more sharp bone shards that didn’t feel so great going down. [More]

McDonald’s Testing “Shakin’ Flavor” Seasoning On Both McNuggets And Fries In Nevada
Not content to let seasoned dust fall only on French fries in California, McDonald’s has now expanded its test of Shakin’ Flavors to its chicken McNuggets in some Nevada locations as well. Again, this just sounds like a great big salty mess waiting to get all over our hands. [More]

What Are Chicken McNuggets Made Out Of? Chicken, Says McDonald’s
As McDonald’s continues its dogged quest to avoid the fact that proving to people that your food is actually made from what it should be means you’ve already lost, the latest video missive from the chain seeks to assure customers that chicken McNuggets are actually made out of chicken. Who knew? Apparently not the customers asking these questions. [More]

McDonald’s Behind-The-Scenes Video: How Your Chicken McNuggets Are Made
The ghost of pink goop is still haunting McDonald’s. The chain’s Canadian arm is seeking to dispel the idea that a machine pumps out tubes of pink stuff to fill your chicken McNuggets, with a new video showing how the chicken bits are made. So far as we can see, there’s no pink stuff. At least, not on camera. [More]

Winning 3 Gold Medals On A Diet Of 1,000 Chicken McNuggets Is Easy… If You’re Usain Bolt
When you think of an Olympic athlete, words like “finely-tuned physique” and “my body is a temple” come to mind. But at least one highly-celebrated physical specimen of athleticism admits to filling that temple with fried bits of chicken stuff. [More]

McDonald’s Has Names For Each Of The 4 Different McNugget Shapes
For as long as I can remember, I’ve known that McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets came in only a handful of repeating shapes. But I’d never considered that the folks at the Golden Arches actually had specific names for each of the four types of McNugget. [More]

Here Is Your Chance To Buy A Chicken McNugget That Looks Like A Zombie
When you look down at your fast food meal, you don’t expect to see the terrifying, misshapen face of a zombie staring back at you. But that’s what happened to a McDonald’s customer in New Jersey, who could have just gobbled the offending nugget and never thought of it again. No, this nugget is bound for greater things. They’re selling it on eBay. The bidding currently stands at $2.75. [More]

$.99 6-Piece Chicken McNugget Mondays (Southeast FL Only)
McDonald’s is offering $.99 6-piece McNugget Mondays regional promotion, good now through Sept. 30, limited to the Miami-Dade, Broward, and Monroe counties of Florida. Normally it’s $.99 for 4, so it’s basically two free nuggets. [More]

How Much Corn Is In This Frickin’ McNugget Anyway?
I like the Chicken McNugget. Hey, it’s not chicken or anything, but my sole interest in the McNugget is as a flavor carrier of McDonald’s brand sweet and sour sauce. I love that stuff. It is for that sauce — looking oh-so-remarkably like the output of a mewling newborn — that I can never bring myself to order any similar gobble-sized chicken parts from Burger King or the like. Their “chicken tenders” (in case you never noticed, a creative marketing euphemism for “chicken genitalia”) may taste better than the McNugget, but that pink, orange-flecked sweet and sour sauce is an abomination.