Two of the last vestiges of the original internet boom will soon be lost to history. Verizon will soon shove Yahoo and AOL under one, new — and entirely forgettable — brand name: Oath. [More]
the name game

Whole Foods Naming New Line Of Stores After Its “365” Brand
If you have been waiting on the very edge of your seat to find out what Whole Foods would be branding its new line of smaller stores with lower prices, today is your day. After filing various trademark names to throw everyone off, the company says it’ll be calling the chain “365 by Whole Foods Market.” [More]

Clothing Company Apologizes To Don Henley For Invoking His Name To Sell Shirts
Don Henley will not take it easy when there’s a product being sold that references both his name and career with The Eagles, and now everyone knows: After filing a lawsuit against a Wisconsin clothing company that emailed an ad telling customers to “don a henley and take it easy” last October, the two sides have settled the case, with the company issuing an apology to both Henley and his fans for trying to be too clever. [More]

Here’s How You Get A Fast Food Chain To Foot The Entire Bill For Your Wedding
Want a fast food chain to sponsor your wedding, provide gifts and generally shell out a bunch of cash so you don’t have to? It’s simple! Just be born with one half of a chain’s name, meet and fall in love with someone who has the other half and voila! You’re getting hitched for free, courtesy of Burger King. [More]

Time Warner Cable Out-Comcasts Comcast, Renames Customer “C*nt”
Lest you think that it’s just Comcast employees that are spitefully renaming customers “A**hole Brown,” or “super b*tch,” the company’s pending merger partner has proven it can do much worse — by slapping the C-bomb on a customer’s bill. [More]

Brewers Of Gandhi-Bot Beer Agree To Change Its Name After Complaints From Indian-American Community
A few weeks after New England Brewing Company apologized for slapping a Gandhi robot on its Gandhi-Bot India Pale Ale beer, the company says now it’s going to do more than just apologize and will instead rename the brew altogether. [More]

Starbucks Apparently Thinks Someone Was Cruel Enough To Name Their Daughter “Vagina”
We’ve heard a lot of unfortunate names — heck, just look up “celebrity baby names” — but despite the cruelty some parents inflict via birth certificate, it’s highly unlikely that anyone named their daughter “Vagina.” Now, Virginia? Quite a nice, decent name. And it belongs to a woman who says a Starbucks in Hong Kong scrawled “Vagina” on her coffee instead. [More]

McDonald’s Has Names For Each Of The 4 Different McNugget Shapes
For as long as I can remember, I’ve known that McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets came in only a handful of repeating shapes. But I’d never considered that the folks at the Golden Arches actually had specific names for each of the four types of McNugget. [More]