Food & Personal Care

Chipotle Rolls Out Vegan Tofu Option Nationwide

Chipotle Rolls Out Vegan Tofu Option Nationwide

While customers have a bunch of options when building their burritos or bowls at Chipotle, the core of those components has remained reasonably unchanged for two decades. So it’s news that not only has the eatery chain made its first major menu addition in 20 years, but that this addition is tofu. [More]

FDA’s New Nutrition Label Emphasizes Calories, Serving Size, Added Sugars

FDA’s New Nutrition Label Emphasizes Calories, Serving Size, Added Sugars

Earlier today, the FDA finally got around to unveiling the first major change to food nutrition labels in two decades. The new-look label contains mostly the same information as the current version, but with the addition of “added sugars” data, the loss of “calories from fat,” and more emphasis on total calories per serving and servings per container. [More]

(Morton Fox)

Pizza Math: A 12″ Pizza Is Over Twice As Big As An 8″ Pizza

Even if you only vaguely remember taking math in your formative years, you’ll recall calculating the area of circles, maybe wondering what application this could ever have to your future real life. Well, do you eat pizza? Knowing how to calculate the area of a circle in square inches is a very important skill that will serve you well… as long as you like leftover pizza. [More]

9 Things We Learned About A Guy Who Claims He’s Only Eaten Pizza For The Past 25 Years

9 Things We Learned About A Guy Who Claims He’s Only Eaten Pizza For The Past 25 Years

We’ve all got our culinary predilections — I will fight you if you touch my cheese curds — but there are favorite foods and then there are extreme acts of food devotion. To wit: A guy who’s claimed he’s only eaten pizza, and only pizza, every day for the last 25 years. [More]

(Morton Fox)

Burger King Customer Upset At Profane Name On Receipt

It’s not clear how the party name “Bitch Ass Hoes” ended up on the Burger King receipt of a party of two women. Was it an employee’s prank for a friend that printed out for the wrong customer? Was the name not supposed to print out at all? Was the employee operating the register exceptionally rude? Burger King and the franchisee are investigating, and the grandmother who received the order remains upset. [More]

How Many Gummy Bears Are In Your Starbucks Drink?

How Many Gummy Bears Are In Your Starbucks Drink?

Yes. Everyone who loves espresso-based coffee concoctions knows, objectively, that they contain a lot of calories. Sometimes it’s hard to visualize what this means, though, without imagining the coffee beverage in terms of something more familiar. Like candy. [More]

For Better Or Worse, The Taco Bell “Waffle Taco” Is Coming To Your Town

For Better Or Worse, The Taco Bell “Waffle Taco” Is Coming To Your Town

It’s been nearly a year since the world first heard rumors of a strange breakfast beast being tested in lands to the west (i.e. California). The whispers claimed it was a Waffle Taco, while skeptics questioned whether the term “taco” was being stretched by a company whose longtime figurehead was a talking chihuahua and who also hired this guy. Now, like rock ‘n’ roll and door-to-door salesmen, the Waffle Taco, along with other breakfast stuff, is heading for your hometown whether you want it or not. [More]

If You’re Wanted By The Police, Don’t Call 911 To Complain About Burger King Order

If You’re Wanted By The Police, Don’t Call 911 To Complain About Burger King Order

You know all those crime shows where nogoodniks refuse to go to the hospital when hurt or contact the police when robbed because they are dodging arrest warrants? Those people are brilliant compared to the woman in Pennsylvania who called 911 about her bad Burger King experience without thinking about how she is wanted in another state. [More]

Free Rat Included In Supermarket Bakery Apple Cake

Free Rat Included In Supermarket Bakery Apple Cake

A Long Island man wanted only one thing for his 96th birthday celebration: a German apple ring cake from grocer King Kullen. Sounds festive and delicious. When the family cut into it during his party, though, they found something extra mixed in. Nope, not extra apple filling or a bonus cinnamon swirl. (Warning: there are photos after the jump.) [More]

All these are worth less than a popular messaging app.

27 Major Companies That Are Worth Less Than WhatsApp

Just how big of a deal is the $19 billion WhatsApp is getting from Facebook in the acquisition announced yesterday? It’s a pretty freaking big deal — especially when you consider that there are a whole lot of major companies –including many that produce physical goods you can reach out and touch — that have been around longer than WhatsApp and are worth a lot less. [More]

(Matt Stonie on YouTube)

Watch This Guy Eat Four Chipotle Burritos In Three Minutes

Before you start to feel like all your eating achievements thus far pale in comparison to the feat mentioned in the headline, know that none of your friends are going to think any less of you just because you can only eat two burritos in 30 minutes before passing out on the floor in a pool of your own regret (I know, it’s your personal best). After all, the guy who ate four Chipotle burritos in only three minutes is a professional. [More]

Pizza Hut Closes Down After Video Shows District Manager Using The Kitchen Sink As A Urinal

Pizza Hut Closes Down After Video Shows District Manager Using The Kitchen Sink As A Urinal

Food and bathroom behavior just don’t mix — especially at a restaurant that’s serving paying customers. So it’s no wonder video footage of a Pizza Hut employee in West Virginia peeing into the kitchen sink — the same one used to wash utensils and supplies — has prompted health officials to shut down that location to investigate. [More]

Next time I set fire to a small town, I must remember to contact the local pizza place to inquire about a bulk order.

Chevron Says Sorry For Fracking Fire The Only Way It Knows How: With Pizza Coupon

Last week, an explosion at a Chevron natural gas fracking operation in northwestern Pennsylvania resulted in a fire that lasted for days and may have cost one rig worker his life. Let’s not forget the environmental damage and other possibly hazardous longterm effects. If you were a mammoth oil company like Chevron, how would you appease the local citizenry? By providing them pizza coupons, of course. [More]

FDA May Trim Some Of Those Lengthy Warnings In Prescription Drug Ads

FDA May Trim Some Of Those Lengthy Warnings In Prescription Drug Ads

We’re all familiar with prescription drug commercials that are basically 5 seconds about how there’s some awesome drug for your “moderate-to-severe” fill-in-the-blank condition, followed by 25 seconds of happy families playing in parks accompanied by the sound of speed-red disclosures about a vast array of warnings and possible side effects. The FDA is now looking for you opinion about whether it should look into trimming down all that fine print. [More]

McDonald’s Switzerland Puts Gruyere, Goat, Swiss Cheeses On Burgers

McDonald’s Switzerland Puts Gruyere, Goat, Swiss Cheeses On Burgers

The name of a current promotion at McDonald’s in Switzerland translates as “large cheese cravings,” and that’s what it’s giving us around the Consumerist office. Unlike the boring old cheeses we’re stuck with here in America, Swiss fast foodies can try burgers topped with fine rolls of what we in the US call Swiss cheese, or with tasty slabs of Gruyère or goat cheese. [More]

Former Pizza Hut And KFC Buildings Never Escape Their Roots

Former Pizza Hut And KFC Buildings Never Escape Their Roots

If this great nation has a massive supply of anything, it’s abandoned chain restaurant buildings. Fortunately, ingenious business owners find new uses for them, turning fast-food joints into ethnic restaurants and … well, pretty much anything with four walls into a payday loan place or a pawn shop. [More]

Military Researchers Nearing The “Holy Grail” Of Ready-To-Eat Meals: Pizza

Military Researchers Nearing The “Holy Grail” Of Ready-To-Eat Meals: Pizza

The next time you’re staring down a cheesy, hot, delicious piece of pizza right, remind yourself to be thankful how easy you’ve got it. Not everyone has access to pizza wherever they are, including the U.S. military. But thanks to a stalwart team of researchers bent on bringing pizza to soldiers, that could change in the near future. [More]

Forget Heart-Shaped Pizza: Try Heart-Shaped Pepperoni Instead

Forget Heart-Shaped Pizza: Try Heart-Shaped Pepperoni Instead

In recent weeks, we’ve noticed a lot of visitors coming to our site because they’re looking for information on heart-shaped pizza. Yes, chain pizza places like Papa Murphy’s and Papa John’s offer heart-shaped pizzas, and you can make your own by shaping the crust into a blobbular heart-ish thing. For the ultimate in adorableness, though, try heart-shaped pepperoni. They’ll keep their shape better than a whole pizza, filling the space with way more hearts. [More]