McDonald’s Expanding (Limited) All-Day Breakfast Test To Mississippi & Tennessee, Adding Biscuit Sandwiches

Last month McDonald’s told franchisees that it would begin expanding its limited all-day breakfast menu outside of the San Diego area, but shared few details about the plans other than it would include Nashville. Now, the fast food giant has let the cat out of the bag, revealing that the experiment won’t just be making its way to one city, but three – and adding new sandwiches.
USA Today reports that McDonald’s will start offering biscuit sandwiches when it rolls out the all-day morning meal trial in Greenville and Greenwood, MS, on Monday, June 22.
In all, 12 locations in Mississippi will serve as testing ground for the menu, and all but one of the stores will make the new biscuits from scratch.
Pam Williams, McDonald’s marketing director, confirmed the expansion, adding that the Nashville tests – which will also include the new sandwiches – are expected to take place in 132 locations starting in July.
“We’re interested in getting our customer’s perspectives from around the country,” Williams told USA TODAY. “It should allow us to get a good understanding of our customers feelings and impressions of how this menu can work.”
As with the pilot taking place in San Diego, McDonald’s all-day menu in Nashville and Mississippi will include the various McMuffins (Egg, Sausage, Sausage with Egg), the Sausage Burrito, Hash Browns, Hotcakes, Hotcakes and Sausage, Fruit & Maple Oatmeal and Fruit ‘N Yogurt Parfait.
While Williams said offering breakfast after 10:30 a.m. was well-received in San Diego, she says it’s too early to predict whether the menu will make it nationwide.
“We’re hearing a lot of positive feedback from our customers and our operators,” she said. “We believe that we have customers that are coming in that maybe haven’t been visiting. They’re also visiting more frequently — we’re hearing that in the customer responses. But since this is a test, we are still evaluating all the information.”
McDonald’s expanding all-day breakfast test [USA Today]
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