You may have heard that President Trump’s new Advisory Commission on Election Integrity is asking state election officials to turn over a raft of very personal data about voters’ records. Not surprisingly, some states are reluctant to provide this information, and the Secretary of State for Mississippi has a very direct response for the administration. [More]

Mississippi Official Tells Trump ‘Election Integrity’ Commission: “Go Jump In The Gulf Of Mexico”

Mississippi Governor Signs Bill Allowing Businesses To Refuse Service To LGBT Customers
The same day that PayPal took away potentially hundreds of jobs from North Carolina over a recently passed state bill targeting the rights of gay and transgendered people, the governor of Mississippi has signed off on a piece of legislation that goes even further, allowing a number of businesses to refuse service to customers based on their personal biases. [More]

Renters Claim They Were Evicted For Being An Interracial Couple
While federal law explicitly prohibits the consideration of “race, color, religion, sex, familial status, or national origin” in determining who can rent or buy a home, some Americans still face this illegal discrimination for something as simple as finding a place to live. [More]

Mississippi Small Town Has The Bacon Bowl Blues
It’s easy to seek out and mock infomercial products that solve a need that consumers never knew they had. What jerks like us may not realize, though, is that behind every silly direct-response ad are the hopes of thousands of people. In one case, the future of an entire town in Mississippi could have changed thanks to a single laughable kitchen product: the Bacon Bowl. [More]

KFC Owner Says There’s No Evidence Scarred Little Girl Was Asked To Leave
The day after anonymous sources cast doubt on the story of a little girl being asked to leave a KFC because her facial scars were bothering customers, the owner of the franchise where the alleged incident occurred has come out to say that he can find no evidence that it ever happened. [More]

Florida, Other States Opting Out Of Medicaid Expansion Four Years Before They Are Expected To Pay A Dime
Even though the expansion of Medicaid to cover several million more low-income Americans isn’t slated to begin until January 2014 — and even though states aren’t scheduled to begin contributing anything to the expansion until 2016 — some states have already declared their intention to not take part in the program. [More]

Woman Buys, Rehabs Wrong House; Can't Get Anyone To Care About It
A woman in Mississippi says she spent thousands buying and rehabbing a foreclosed-upon home, only to find out after the fact that oops, she actually bought the smaller, cruddier house next door. Making matters worse, no one seems to be willing to take the blame or help her out. [More]

Oil Now Washing Up In Biloxi; BP Sends Three People To Clean It Up
The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico continues to expand, despite BP’s boasting about the number of barrels they pull out of the water each day. Over the weekend, the crude washed up for the first time on the shores of mainland Mississippi, driving away the already scant number of tourists. [More]

Man Sentenced To Life In Prison For Shoplifting
A man in Mississippi is heading up the river for the rest of his life after he was caught heisting some stuff from a Kohl’s store and then led police on a car chase. Oh, and also because he’d been convicted 10 previous times. [More]

Which State Consumes The Most Online Porn?
Utah, that’s which state! Or so says Harvard researcher Ben Edelman, who “analyzed subscriber data from an unnamed ‘top 10 seller of online adult entertainment.'” When comparing broadband subscribers, Utah comes in first with an average of 5.47 per 1000. In second place is Alaska with just over 5.03 per 1000, and coming in third is Mississippi.

Southern States Ban Chinese Catfish
Alabama and Mississippi have banned Chinese catfish after finding them pumped full of fluoroquinolones, an antibiotic banned by the FDA for use in animals that people eat.
The Xbox360 Fiasco
ata on his new Xbox360. Only problem is that it came without a controller. So he returned it to Walmart. The next Xbox he bought had the “ring of death” failure. Another return. He tested the next one in-store, and it was fine, only to return home and have it not work when he tried to play any games on it. So he returned everything to Walmart, including games, got all his money back, and bought everything a GameStop.