There are some jobs out there that make the rest of us wonder why we didn’t study something else in school, and being involved in creating huge works of delicious, record-breaking candy is one of them. A Los Angeles candy store is trying to nab the world record for largest peanut butter cup, in what I can only imagine is a delicious endeavor. [More]
world records

Hero Sets Record By Eating 182 Slices Of Bacon In Five Minutes
Listen, not everyone can throw arterial caution to the wind, so when someone does go above and beyond the usual bacon intake to prove themselves a hero in the pork-eating world, it must be noted. I salute you, guy who ate 182 slices of bacon in five minutes, because there is no way I will ever be you. [More]

388 People Hop Between The Sheets To Score Breakfast In Bed World Record
Perhaps the greatest luxury we can give ourselves is eating where we sleep, making an event where 388 people dined on breakfast in bed in one big hotel room pretty darn luxurious. [More]

Group Claims World Record For Hawaiian Dish Made With 1,126 Pounds Of Rice, Hamburger, Eggs & Gravy
We are all about reaching for the stars and daring to dream your biggest dreams, folks, especially if it includes many, many feet of bratwurst or working together to create a 1,126-pound world record attempt for a dish containing rice, hamburger, eggs and gravy. [More]

Waiter Earns Eternal Bragging Rights By Carrying 27 Full Beer Mugs At Once
Everyone has their “party story” — you know, the one you tell to a group in a social setting to make the whole gathering less awkward and relate to those around you, priming everyone to bond and grow closer. But one German man has earned himself maybe one of the most unique cocktail tale by carrying 27 mugs brimming with beer at one time, setting the world record for beer-carrying in the process. [More]

Starbucks Employees Getting Really Tired Of Your Free Drink Record Attempts
We track and post attempts to make the largest possible Starbucks beverage on a single free drink coupon because the “competition” amuses us, and because we report on unusual things that happen in commerce. These record attempts are really unusual because, the online chatter indicates, Starbucks recently reminded their “partners” that Frappuccinos are not to be served by the free vat. [More]

$61 Sexagintuple Frap 2.0 Breaks Starbucks Free Drink Record
Sameera planned carefully for her attempt at breaking a world record. She obtained permission from the store where her attempt would take place, and even made sure to alert media outlets ahead of time. She even brought the proper equipment and a support team. What record was she out to break? She sought to make the most expensive single free Starbucks drink of all time. Update: Yeah, about that record… [More]

New Arby’s Ad: Watch 13 Hours Of Brisket Cooking
Here at Consumerist headquarters, we enjoyed Netflix’s original programming for April Fool’s Day 2014: streaming films of bacon frying and rotisserie chickens roasting. They had a lovely, meditative quality, and made fine sleep aids. Would they make a good advertisement, though? That’s what Arby’s aims to find out with their mission to create the longest-ever TV advertisement. [More]

777-Pound Burger Is World's Largest
Just a few days ago, some scrappy Canadians held the Guinness World Record for largest hamburger, but now an American concoction has flattened the previous record holder like so much Canadian bacon. Weighing in at 777 pounds, overwhelming the previous titlist’s 590 pounds, Juicy’s Outlaw Burger set the new record Saturday at the Alameda County Fair in California. It took six people to lug the bun on top to complete the monstrosity. [More]

Macy's, Estee Lauder Team Up To Break Completely Pointless World Record
Let’s face it — most world records are utterly pointless, no matter how impressed I am by someone who can pogo stick while balancing a bowl of sulfuric acid on his head. But department store Macy’s and makeup giant Estee Lauder teamed up yesterday for something truly inane — to set the record for most lipstick applications in an hour. [More]
Congrats, World, You Will Snarf 21 Million Tons Of Cheese In 2015
Cheese is on track to blow up, baby. Global Industry Analysts projects a 20 percent worldwide increase in cheese-munching from 2008 to 2015, when the world will gobble 21 million metric tons of the stuff, according to a press release on PR Web. [More]

1.3 Mile Long Wedding Dress Shows China Is Ready For Gross Consumerism, Too!
A Chinese bride recently walked down the aisle wearing a 7,083-foot-long wedding dress that took 200 guests over three hours to unfurl. The $5,800 dress could be a sign of China’s potential to threaten America’s reigning status as the capital of gross consumerism, if only the bridegroom hadn’t personally designed the dress with his family’s help. Explaining the lavish garment, he said: “I do not want a cliche wedding parade or banquet.”