Hey, remember how we reported earlier this week that a new record had been set for the most expensive single Starbucks drink to be paid for with a free drink coupon? Well, we were wrong. Record-seeker Sameera didn’t know it either at the time, but the record had actually been set on July 4th, with a 77-shot concoction costing $71.35. America! [More]
sexagintuple frap 2.0

$61 Sexagintuple Frap 2.0 Breaks Starbucks Free Drink Record
Sameera planned carefully for her attempt at breaking a world record. She obtained permission from the store where her attempt would take place, and even made sure to alert media outlets ahead of time. She even brought the proper equipment and a support team. What record was she out to break? She sought to make the most expensive single free Starbucks drink of all time. Update: Yeah, about that record… [More]