In a truly awful job market, employees will put up with all manner of indignities managers subject them to. When things are OK, people start to stand up for themselves and walk away, confident in their prospects. That’s why it may be good news for the economy that the number of people who quit their jobs surpassed the amount of layoffs in February. [More]

Determining The Value Of Your Free Time
Unless you’re a salaried employee or business owner who’s expected to work excessively for the good of the company, the more hours you work usually determines how much you’ll make. The prospect of working overtime or taking on a side job can be compelling, helping you save by having less time to go out and spend the money you’re piling up. [More]

The Few Things On Your Resume That Matter
Job-hunters spend hours, if not days or weeks, honing their resumes to a fine point. They’re hopeful that their tweaks and optimizations will do just enough to grab the attention of job recruiters and managers. But much of that work may be in vain, because resumes often only get a few seconds to do their jobs before they’re dismissed. [More]

Productivity Killers To Identify And Remove
Workplace distractions can siphon away your attention, forcing you to lose office stature along with your focus. In order to operate at top speed and efficiency, you’ve got to sniff out obstructions that slow you down and make it difficult to work. [More]

Lessons Learned From Tough Retail Jobs
Just about all tough work experiences can teach you things and better prepare you for your next job. Sticking it out for a time through a difficult job can give you tools you can apply to more enjoyable experiences as you advance in your career. [More]

3 Awful Things About Looking For A New Job
When you’re seeking new employment, nothing comes easy. You’re facing a sea of hungry applicants, gunning for the attention of distracted managers and facing failure on a daily basis. The process can be so frustrating that it may hardly seem worth it, but can land you a dream job if you keep your eyes open, your spirits up and manage to land a break. [More]

5 Mind-Stimulating Things To Do During Breaks At Work
You can stay sharp on the job if you use your breaks strategically, using your free time to recharge and hit your workload again with momentum. Wasting your break time with mind-numbing or exhausting activities, on the other hand, can trip you up. [More]

What To Do When You Find Out The Dope Who Sits Next To You Is Making More Than You Are
If the corporate world functioned fairly, pay would be commensurate with the amount of experience and ability employees have. But fairness has little to do with the way pay scales tip. Factors such as nepotism, politics and timing can all add up to confirming your fear that your cubicle neighbor makes more than you do, and will probably always out-earn you unless you try to dare to make a power play. [More]

How To Call In Sick And Not Make Your Boss Suspicious
When you call in sick, you may feel as though you’re letting the world down and the office will collapse without you. But you’re really doing everyone a favor when you stay home, protecting them from exposure to your illness while sparing the office from your mediocre, exhaustion-spawned work. Once you decide you’re going to accept your homebound plight, you’ve got to confront the dreaded task of calling in. [More]

Stitch Up Holes In Your Networking Skills
If you want to get ahead in the business world, you’ll need skill, luck and connections. And the latter is arguably the most important of your assets. The amount of career success you find will probably be a function of your ability to make helpful connections and use them to your advantage. [More]
3 Ways To Live A More Balanced Life Away From Work
Some work cultures require a commitment level that forces you to give up your supposed off hours for the benefit of your employer. If you don’t play the game to compete with others who overdo it, you may feel as though you won’t get ahead. But before you engage in the rat race toward burnout, consider whether or not winning would be worth it. [More]
Career Advice Gleaned From Celebrities
There are as many ways to succeed as there are successful people. By learning from those with impressive careers, you can discover advice you can apply to your own life. [More]
How To Make Mustard Stains Vanish
There must be some special property about white shirts that makes them attract mustard from hot dogs munched on lunch breaks. In order to avoid having to get rid of a stained shirt, you need to do your best to eliminate the damage. [More]

Tips For Working While You're Sick
When you show up to work sick, your colleagues probably see you less as an iron man than an inconsiderate outbreak monkey. But it’s not always realistic to call in sick whenever you’ve got the sniffles, so you’ll often find yourself plugging through the work day at less than full strength. [More]

Things You Shouldn't Talk About During Interviews
Some managers are good at getting job candidates to let down their guard and give job interviews a more casual twist. If you’re going for a job and find yourself in this situation, you’ll need to avoid oversharing and spoiling your prospects. [More]

Disney Decides To Let Workers Don Beards
Disneyland employees no longer must choose before rocking a goatee and receiving a paycheck. Disney’s strict theme park employee grooming code has always banned beards — it’s only allowed mustaches since 2000 — but the company is overturning the rule. [More]

How To Identify And Combat Financial Abuse
Not all abuse is physical. One tough-to-detect method of control and domination is financial manipulation, and victims may not always be aware they’re being exploited. [More]