While there are plenty of places to buy movies and TV shows online, one minor problem is that you’re forever stuck having to watch that video on the platform where you purchased it, whether it’s Amazon, iTunes, Google Play, Vudu, etc. But a newly revamped service claims to let you stash digital videos from various sources into one place. [More]

Optimum Customers Could Lose ESPN, ABC & Disney Because Of Contract Fight
If you’re an Optimum TV customer, you may have noticed a new warning crawling across the bottom of your screen in the last few days: They may lose access to several big-name channels, including ESPN and ABC, because of an ongoing contract dispute between Optimum parent company and Disney. [More]

3 Things You Should Do If Hurricane Irma Cancelled Your Cruise
Millions of Florida residents are battening down the hatches and evacuating in advance of the monstrous Hurricane Irma, which has already wrought havoc and devastation across many island nations of the Caribbean. But Florida is also a major travel and tourist destination for millions of visitors every year, whose plans to go to or through the affected areas are obviously going to be disrupted. So what are your rights and responsibilities if your vacation has to give way to the forces of nature? [More]

Marvel, Star Wars Movies Will Be Leaving Netflix In Breakup With Disney
When Disney recently announced that it was ending its exclusivity deal with Netflix and moving all Disney- and Pixar-branded content over to a new Disney-owned streaming service, it was unclear exactly whether Big D would also walk off with the Marvel and Star Wars movies that Netflix currently gets exclusive streaming rights to. At the time, Netflix was still hoping it could reach some sort of custody deal with Disney, but it looks like Iron Man and Kylo Ren will be living with Mickey and Nemo at their new house. [More]

Appeals Court Deals Blow To Streaming Service That Lets You Filter Out Nudity & Swearing
VidAngel is a streaming service that allows subscribers to filter out nudity, violence, swearing, or anything else they might find offensive in a movie or TV show. Today, a federal appeals court dealt the latest blow to VidAngel, saying that the service likely violates federal copyright law, and keeping in place an injunction that prevents the service from reproducing and streaming videos without permission. [More]

Even Though They’re Breaking Up, Netflix Still Wants To Share Disney’s Marvel & Star Wars Movies
Like a couple that decides to go its separate way but where they both want to keep the dog, Netflix says it is talking to Disney about holding on to its deal to continue streaming Marvel and Star Wars movies after the two part ways at the end of 2018. [More]

Disney Ditching Netflix (Eventually), Plans To Start Competing Streaming Service
Disney (and its Marvel division) have had a brief but good run with Netflix, resulting in a slew of original content and reasonably timely streaming video access to huge titles from the Star Wars series, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Pixar, and Disney’s flagship studio. But today Disney said it is pulling the plug on this relationship — eventually — as it plans to launch a competing streaming service in the next year. [More]

50+ Disney & Nickelodeon Apps Allegedly Snooping On Your Kids
Ever since the first 3-year-old became obsessed with whatever Tetris knockoff was on their cool aunt’s Blackberry, mobile software developers have seen the potential for real gold in kid-targeted games and apps. But two of the biggest names in children’s entertainment, Disney and Viacom, are each being accused of breaking child-specific privacy laws by allowing young users’ data to be collected and mined. [More]

Disney Removing Bride Auction Scene From ‘Pirates Of The Caribbean’ Ride
Next time you take your family on Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean ride, you might notice a change: No more “wenches” up for sale as brides to the highest bidder. [More]

Disney Raising Park Ticket Prices During Peak Times, Adding Expiration Dates
A little less than a year after Walt Disney Co. implemented its new surge pricing system at its U.S. parks, the company has raised one-day ticket prices during the busiest days of the year. All tickets will now come with expiration dates as well. [More]

Chinese Factory Accused Of Labor Violations Loses Disney Contract
“Dongguan Qing Xi Juantiway Plastic Factory” isn’t a household name, but you’d probably recognize the products it made for the world’s largest entertainment company: the factory was one of thousands making official products featuring Disney characters. [More]

ESPN, ABC, Fox News, Fox Sports All Joining Hulu’s Eventual Live Streaming Service
Once upon a time (two whole years ago!) the idea of successfully getting an internet-based cable alternative up, running, and profitable seemed, perhaps, like a pipe dream. These days, even though we don’t know if the ventures are exactly profitable, the online competition to get your monthly TV dollars is fierce. And now Hulu is latest player to grab some big headliners for itsplan to start zapping linear TV channels to your online eyeballs. [More]

Lucasfilm Sues Operator Of “New York Jedi,” “Lightsaber Academy” Programs
The term “Jedi” has been around for nearly 40 years and phrases like “Jedi mind trick” get thrown around so frequently you might forget that it’s a term that George Lucas created — and trademarked — for use in the Star Wars universe of movies, books, TV shows, variety specials, and merchandise. Which is why Lucasfilm — now a subsidiary of Disney — is suing the operator of programs that teach students how to use their lightsabers. [More]

Rumor Has It: Disney Interested In Buying Netflix
In the world of media companies, the water cooler is always a busy place — and it’s been hopping lately over rumors that Walt Disney Co. is thinking of buying Netflix. [More]

Report: Disney Working On Bid For Twitter
The Walt Disney Co., the well-known operator of theme parks, movie production studios, and cable television networks could soon be a huge player in social media — at least according to reports claiming that Big Mouse is working on a bid for Twitter. [More]

Disney Pulls ‘Moana’ Polynesian Costume Amid Claims It’s Offensive
Disney apologized on Wednesday and said it would be pulling a boy’s costume for a Polynesian character in the movie Moana, after backlash from Pacific Islanders who compared it to blackface. [More]