What To Do When You Find Out The Dope Who Sits Next To You Is Making More Than You Are

If the corporate world functioned fairly, pay would be commensurate with the amount of experience and ability employees have. But fairness has little to do with the way pay scales tip. Factors such as nepotism, politics and timing can all add up to confirming your fear that your cubicle neighbor makes more than you do, and will probably always out-earn you unless you try to dare to make a power play.
See Debt Run suggests ways to handle the discovery of such disheartening information. The savvy can use it as leverage to get a raise, while the revelation may cause bumblers to hasten their own demise in the company.
One of the best ways to ask for equal or better pay is to set up a meeting with a decision maker and ignore direct comparisons to those who make more than you while talking yourself up. Whenever you ask for a raise, it’s important to demonstrate your value to the company in concrete ways — for instance, naming your accomplishments and responsibilities — while making it clear that you know you’re not being paid your market value.
Sometimes the raise won’t come immediately, or ever, thanks to economic realities your bosses face. If you’re turned down, it’s key to react with professionalism and tact while keeping a sharper eye out for a means to jump ship.
What If You Find Out Your Co-Workers Are Making More Money Than You [See Debt Run]
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