Once upon a time, you actually had to type your résumé on real paper. If you wanted it to look special, you needed to find a letterpress shop to rework it into something special. But now we have a world of typographic options at our fingertips… and yet, when it comes time to apply for a job, so many of us still choose good ol’ Times New Roman. [More]

Resume-Writing Service Copies Cover Letter From Website, Accuses Site Of Copying
There are plenty of ways to copy/paste resumes and cover letters posted online for the cost of zero dollars. So if you’re going to pay a service to help you write your cover letter, you’d at least hope to get something original. And when you find out they have lied to you, you’d probably expect them to own up to their thievery. [More]

The Few Things On Your Resume That Matter
Job-hunters spend hours, if not days or weeks, honing their resumes to a fine point. They’re hopeful that their tweaks and optimizations will do just enough to grab the attention of job recruiters and managers. But much of that work may be in vain, because resumes often only get a few seconds to do their jobs before they’re dismissed. [More]

How To Pad Out Your Resume When You're Out Of Work
Employers don’t care for long, unexplained gaps on your resume. If you’ve dropped out of the work force, it’s important to try to fill your life with things that can become bullet points on your promotional one-sheet. [More]

Tips For Beating The Resume-Reading Robots Of Doom
Anyone who has applied for a job at a large company — especially one that doesn’t accept actual resumes but instead requires you to fill out a series of online forms — probably knows that their CV is being scanned, and maybe thrown in the trash, by some automated system meant to weed out those who obviously don’t fit the criteria. But there’s a chance you do fit the bill; you’re just not using the write words to describe your skills and experience. [More]

3 Types Of Hopeless Job Applicants
When you’re applying for a job, you can make the hiring manager’s job easier by making a mistake that immediately eliminates you from contention. Oblivious, lazy behaviors can knock you out before you even get into the ring. [More]

Not Just Hair Dye: An Older Guy's Guide To Getting A Job
It’s not just a matter of putting on a few doses of “Touch of Gray.” John shares his strategies for getting a job as an older guy in the youth-obsessed technology field. While the last story we wrote about this focused on the power of personal connections to open doors, John makes sure that his resume is very nice and Google-friendly. [More]

Resume Traps To Avoid When Job-Hunting
The best job-hunting advice is to have powerful friends who owe you favors, but the second-best may be to have a resume that doesn’t bury your chances at employment. While an excellent resume may not be able to land you a job, an awful one sure can take you out of the running. [More]

Keep Track Of Which Diploma Mills Will Work Out Best For Your Pet
In this job market, anything you can do to give your cat or dog an edge is worth pursuing. That’s why you shouldn’t enroll your pet in just any diploma mill—you want one that’s a proven scam. Boingboing points out that there’s a Wikipedia page to keep track of animals with fraudulent diplomas to make it easier to comparison shop for that next fake certificate.

How To Win Your Local Job Fair
The anonymous, newly unemployed personal finance blogger behind Well-Heeled with a Mission put together a timely, helpful guide on how to avoid wasting your time at job fairs and actually come away with the experience with some positives rather than feel as though you’ve wasted your time in a cattle call.

Is Your Resume Outdated And Irrelevant When You Aren't?
Sometimes you find yourself job-hunting when you didn’t really expect to. This predicament is particularly common during, oh, the last year or so. Sure, you may have had to keep your skills up to date to keep up in the office, but what about your resume? What are the signs that you obviously haven’t touched it up since 1994? Divine Caroline will tell you.

Check Your Resume And Cover Letter For Typos And Bad Jokes
Everyone knows that you need to proofread your resume and cover letter carefully before submitting them, but some people seem to forget. In today’s “Color of Money” column for the Washington Post, Michelle Singletary reminds readers that in a tough job market, companies aren’t inclined to overlook even the tiniest typos.

Today only, FedEx Office (formerly FedEx Kinko’s) will print up to 25 copies of your resume for free. You can submit as a digital file or in person, but must pick up the resumes at a FedEx Office location. [FedEx] (Thanks to ingaraundquist !)

CareerBuilder's Free Resume Review Is Bot-Driven Junk
Sometimes”‘free” means “wow what a great bargain,” and sometimes it just mean worthless. CareerBuilder offers a free resume review on their site—enter your email address, upload your resume, and “we’ll email you the results of your free evaluation, including tips on writing a resume that will help you land the interview.” All it really does is collect your address so it can send you unsolicited email (we got spammed 30 minutes later), and your “review” is just a boilerplate page of generic advice.

Put Quantifiable Successes On Your Resume
If you’re looking for a job these days, you know how tough it can be to separate yourself from the pack. One key is being sure your resume is as good as it can be — that it sells your skills in full force to make you stand out. But US News says that there are five resume mistakes that most job hunters are making, mistakes that are killing their chances of making it to the next step (getting an interview). Of those five, we think this one is the most egregious: your résumé has no numbers, as in, measurable accomplishments…

Ask For A Raise At The Right Time
Personal finance blog Free Money Finance suggests that employees can improve their incomes by asking for a raise, but you have to make sure to time it right.
Remix Of Worst Banking Video Resume Ever
Loop this on your video iPod during your morning power runs, or power lifting, or power whoopy-making. Cool points added for not using “Eye Of The Tiger.”