Not sure whether or not your PC has been updated with a patch to fix a recently discovered Windows Defender vulnerability? Here’s what you should do. [More]
windows 7

Microsoft Makes Good On Plan To Push Windows 10 Upgrades More Aggressively
Last October, Microsoft told Windows 7 and 8 users that it was only a matter of time before they’d be pushed a bit more aggressively to upgrade to Windows 10. That time is now, as the company will be recategorizing Windows 10 as a “recommended update.” [More]

Microsoft Changes Its Mind, Decides To Nag Business Customers To Upgrade To Windows 10 After All
If you’ve been using Windows 7 or 8 on your personal computer, you’re likely well aware of Microsoft’s recent nagging campaign to get people to upgrade to Windows 10. Despite saying it wouldn’t treat business customers the same way, Microsoft has changed its mind and now says it’ll be nudging those users to make the switch as well. [More]

Only A Third Of Bank ATMs Using Windows XP Have Upgraded Ahead Of April 8 Deadline
Banks all over the world have known since 2007 that Microsoft would stop support for ATMs running Windows XP on April 8 of this year, but with that deadline looming, only one-third of those 2.2 million machines have upgraded their outdated software. [More]

It’ll Only Cost You $125 To Escape The Clutches Of Windows 8 With Downgrade To Windows 7
Hey, Microsoft? Just a little heads up. If customers despise your latest and ostensibly greatest operating system so much that businesses are offering a downgrade service, you might want to take that as a sign that something has gone wrong. Because while we can understand having to pay for an upgrade, ponying up cash just to take a step back on your new laptop with pre-installed software is well, it’s a step back. [More]

Dell Notebook Computer Problem Leaves Me Windowsless
When Andy bought a notebook computer from Dell, he also bought a license for Windows 7 and the right to use it on that computer. But when something went wrong with that installation of Windows 7, and the code on his Certificate of Authenticity wore off, he was stuck. Windowless. [More]

What Does "Hot Fried" Windows 7 Taste Like?
Just in case the legendary 7-layer Windows 7 Whopper wasn’t enough for you, Microsoft has introduced “Hot Fried 77,” the Windows 7 restaurant, featuring 7 Windows-themed dishes. And beer. However, if you’re looking to grab a quick bite of hot fried Windows, be prepared to travel fast: The restaurant is in Taiwan, and is only open going to be open for two months. [More]

Student's Windows 7 Won't Work, CSR Transfers Him To Vacuum Seller
Chris is a student who bought Windows 7 through his university, then tried to install it to a new computer after his old one broke, but ran into problems. He called Microsoft customer service and ended up talking to Oreck Vacuums.

Man Eats Windows 7 Themed 7-Layer Whopper
For some reason, possibly because they have the same ad agency as Burger King, Microsoft has convinced the fast food chain to offer a 7-layer Whopper in celebration of Windows 7. What is a 7-layer Whopper? It’s just a Whopper with 7 patties.

Digital River: Easy To Download From, Impossible To Reach
Digital software downloads! Fast. Convenient. But sometimes, it can’t compare with having a physical disc and a printed product key sitting in front of you. That’s what Daniel’s roommate learned when he tried to download Windows 7 from Digital River.

Burger King Welcomes Windows 7 With Seven-Patty Whopper
What could be more American than celebrating the launch of a new product with an almost comically unhealthy fast-food product? Unfortunately, the seven-patty Windows 7 Whopper is only available in Japan.

5 Legal Ways To Get Windows 7 For Under $120
Windows 7, Microsoft’s big bucket of bugfixes, hits stores tomorrow. If you had enough foresight to take advantage of Microsoft’s public beta and pre-order discounts earlier this year, you may already have a cheap version of the new OS. If not, here are a few ways to pick up Windows 7 now, without having to hand over $120, the lowest official price for an upgrade.

Coming Soon: Family Guy Windows 7 Infomercial (Sort Of)
Is it s sponsored special? A glorified infomercial? We’re not sure, but on November 8, the Griffins of “Family Guy” will be hosting their own Windows 7 launch party of sorts, in the form of a half-hour special sponsored by Microsoft.

Your New Computer's Free Windows 7 Upgrade? Not So Free, Actually
Not many people really want a computer with Windows Vista. The sensible thing for customers who need a computer—but not right away—to do is wait until the launch of Windows 7 and then buy a computer with the much-awaited OS pre-installed. Vendors realize this, and are trying to get Vista-laden machines off their shelves with the promise of a free upgrade to Windows 7 when it comes out. A free upgrade that is not, in fact, free.

Microsoft's Launch Party Video Is Surprisingly Offensive!
Okay, now we get the appeal of hosting a Windows 7 launch party. There’s lots of f[bleep]g involved. Lots and lots of it at the skeevy white guy’s party, it sounds like. Watch the clip below to see how much better you can make a corporate video by adding a few well-timed bleeps.

Guy Complains To Microsoft, Gets Free Windows 7 Party Pack
If Microsoft is serious about getting people to host wild, enthusiastic Windows 7 parties, the company should get potential hosts psyched up the way it did this guy who lives in the Caribbean.

Microsoft Wants You To Host Your Own Windows 7 Launch Party, Really
Everyone likes hosting launch parties, right?! What? No one likes them? They’re not real parties—just promotional events dreamed up to move units? But Microsoft told me that it’s okay to host my own launch party! It’ll be cool! Just look at these two married couples hanging out and gabbing like a box of birds about how much they love Windows 7.