What Does "Hot Fried" Windows 7 Taste Like?

Just in case the legendary 7-layer Windows 7 Whopper wasn’t enough for you, Microsoft has introduced “Hot Fried 77,” the Windows 7 restaurant, featuring 7 Windows-themed dishes. And beer. However, if you’re looking to grab a quick bite of hot fried Windows, be prepared to travel fast: The restaurant is in Taiwan, and is only open going to be open for two months.
According to reports out of Taiwan, the restaurant features 7 different dishes, which rotate each day, and go for about T$77 (US$3) each. Unfortunately, the food is apparently fairly standard fare, so if you were hoping for something that would give you the piquant essence of Start Menu, you’ll have to look elsewhere.
Microsoft Opens “Hot Fried 77″ Concept Restaurant in Taiwan? [M.I.C Gadget]
PREVIOUSLY: Man Eats Windows 7 Themed 7-Layer Whopper
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