Did you wake up this morning to find you have a few long-winded friends on Twitter? It’s possible, as the micro-blogging site doubled its long-standing 140-character limit… for some users. [More]

Netflix Tweets That New Animated Series Is “R-Rated As F—“
When we first saw a Tweet from Netflix that dropped an f-bomb to promote a new program, we assumed that it would disappear from the internet, and we would have a new entry for the Unintended Tweet Hall of Fame, like the time Chrysler’s social media account observed that “no one [in Detroit] knows how to f—ing drive.” Yet the Tweet remains, apparently not the work of a rogue contractor or animation-loving hacker. [More]

Twitter Will No Longer Count Usernames Against Character Limit In Replies
Twitter’s long-standing 140-character limit for messages isn’t going anywhere, but the social media giant is once again revamping the way it counts the characters: Usernames will no longer count toward that limit, but only for reply messages. [More]

NLRB: Chipotle Wrong To Make Employee Delete Critical Tweets, Fire Him For Having PTSD
Do you have a right to complain about your job and your employer on social media? It might not be advisable for your career, but a recent National Labor Relations Board decision is that Chipotle was wrong to fire an employee for his Tweets about the company’s labor practices and because his manager feared that he may become violent. [More]

Twitter Improves Block Feature, Banishing Blocked Users From Seeing Timelines
Nearly three years after Twitter changed its blocking policy to be a bit more stalker-friendly and almost immediately backtracked, the social network is making more changes, rolling out an improvement that aims to close a loophole that allowed blocked users from sneaking into your newsfeed through retweets. [More]

Brands Aren’t Going To Quit Tweeting About Current Events
When major news event happen, the people who run brands’ social media accounts have a tough choice: should they mention it or not? When things go wrong, people accuse you of using the deaths of beloved celebrities to hawk shoes or cereal. The problem, though, is that the rewards for brands are too great, and they aren’t about to stop trying just because a few people are offended. [More]

Twitter Shutting Down TweetDeck For Windows App April 15
If you’re a fan of TweetDeck and you happen to use the Windows-based app, it’s time to start saying “goodbye.” Twitter announced today that it will end support for that particular service on April 15. [More]

Twitter Takes Down Background Images, Doesn’t Explain Why
Have you checked Twitter today? If so, then you may have noticed a few things. First, that beautiful background image you carefully selected to show a bit of your personality is no longer decorating your page; instead, it’s been replaced with a plain white void. The result: this new version of Twitter looks an awful lot like Facebook: a small profile picture on the left and a long photo of your choosing plastered at the top of the page. [More]

Report: Airlines Get A Lot Of Hate On Social Media, Especially The Big Ones
As often as we use social media to proclaim our likes and loves, just as often we air grievances to our friends and the world — including complaints about the companies we do business with. When it comes to talking about airlines on social media, a new report says it’s a negative arena, especially when it comes to the largest carriers. [More]

Montel Williams Defends Hawking Payday Loan Generator Money Mutual
By now we know that celebrities (and pseudo-celebrities) often lend their names to products that may or may not have devastating effects on consumers. Of course, hawking a product for a paycheck doesn’t automatically make the spokesperson in question an expert on the product or the consequences of using it. [More]

Report: Twitter & Google Make A Deal To Show Tweets In Search Results
Now that Google has realized Google+ is likely never going to compete with Twitter on a social media level, the two companies have once again reached a deal that will allow tweets to be more searchable online. Starting in the first half of this year, tweets will show up in Google search results as soon as they’re posted, according to a new report. [More]