In yet another chapter of the book all companies should read, How Not To Tweet So You Don’t Risk Offending Your Customers, Dave & Buster’s went and shoved the basketball into its own hoop with a misguided tweet timed to coincide with #TacoTuesdays that basically says anyone named Juan likes tacos. [More]

Now Anyone Can Go Back In Twitter Time To See What You Ate For Dinner That One Night In 2006
Imagine, if you will, Twitter’s Fail Whale. But instead of popping up to be like, “Hey, Twitter isn’t working, uh oh,” he’s swimming up to the entire catalog of tweets dating back to the long-ago beginning in 2006 and swallowing all of them in his hungry, gaping maw. The eating is good for those interested in seeing what anyone ever in the history of Twitter time has tweeted about, as one index of the social web says it’s added every public tweet ever published to its collection. [More]

Police Retweet Of Mechanic’s Request For Drugs Not So Helpful In Terms Of His Employment
The police are here to help you! Really — they’ll even retweet your request for someone to drop off marijuana at your place of employment and add a fun side comment. But the downside of all that amicable assistance is you might be out of a job as a result. And if you’re not making money, how will you pay for the drugs* you tweet about? Classic dilemma, right there. [More]

Library Of Congress Amassing Billions Of Tweets For Researchers Wondering If You Liked That Movie
Unless you’ve set your Twitter account to private, every time you ponder the meaning of a vapid celebrity’s fame or tweet about how much you love your new Spanx, those missives are public. If you only have say, 47 followers those tweets might not seem very public, but hey, maybe the Library of Congress is reading anyway. [More]

Price Chopper Supermarket Emails Customer's Employer, Demands Disciplinary Action For Negative Tweet
Last week, a customer at Price Chopper in upstate New York tweeted a relatively mild insult about the store: “Every time I go to @PriceChopperNY I realize why they r not @wegmans. Tonight -bare produce areas & this sign 4 ex” In return, Price Chopper contacted the man’s employer and complained about him. [More]

Yahoo And Twitter Announce Unholy Alliance Of Social Networking
Perhaps as a response to Google’s monumentally successful launch (at least in terms of irritating Gmail users) of Google Buzz, Yahoo announced on Tuesday that they have entered into a partnership of sorts with social networking biggie Twitter, apparently in an attempt to bring Yahoo up to speed with the rest of the Internet. [More]

Now Report Spammers On Twitter With A Single Click
It used to be that when you were followed by a spammer on Twitter, you had to go report them by sending a direct message to Twitter’s official spam account. Now they’ve updated their reporting system, so all it takes is a single click. Have fun turning in the bots!
Best tweet of the day: “my bank was just held up- with me in it. HSBC 34 and 8. also my whole trackball is GONE!!! im locked in the bank still.” [Gothamist] (Thanks to John!)
Dave Carroll’s “United Breaks Guitars” song and video EECB appears to be having the desired effect. Check out this tweet from United. [Twitter] (Thanks to Chris!) Update: Dave Carroll responds.

Here Are 30 Money Saving Twitterers To Follow has put together a list of 30 of the most followed people on Twitter who offer tips on good deals. Of course, readers have already started adding alternates in the comments below the list. Feel free to make your own suggestions after the jump.

El Pollo Loco Says It Will Honor Your Broken KFC Coupons On Mother's Day
Bill just emailed us with a link to this tweet from the El Pollo Loco rep on Twitter. Might be worth a shot if you were turned away by your local KFC yesterday and you think a free chicken meal is the perfect way to say “I love you” in motherese.