Every summer, we can’t help but wonder why there aren’t more product solutions to the disturbing, but all too familiar, incidents involving children left behind in hot cars, often resulting in death. There’s at least one new product on the market this season that uses technology to alert parents before they accidentally leave their child in the vehicle, a car seat that’s now being sold online by Walmart. [More]
it’s about time

Taco Bell Confirms It’s Testing Delivery Near College Campuses Because Obviously
When the folks at Taco Bell sat down to think about where they could find a population likely to want fast food Mexican fare delivered to their doorsteps, they likely didn’t have to work that one out for very long. After earlier reports that the chain might be testing delivery, Taco Bell confirms it’s trying things out in certain likely areas, namely college campuses. [More]

Kids Tasked With Dumping Alaska Village’s “Honey Buckets” Likely Psyched To Finally Get Indoor Plumbing
Aren’t chores the worst, kids? Yes, sure, taking out the trash and emptying the dishwasher are both bummer gigs, but let’s all just thank our lucky stars that we were never in charge of dumping buckets of human waste at the town receptacle. To that end, kids in one Alaska village where many homes don’t have indoor plumbing are probably pretty pumped to hear that “honey bucket” duty is almost at an end. [More]

The iWatch Is Apparently A Real Thing In That Apple Applied For A Trademark In Japan
In a highly technological world where it seems like there’s nothing new to get excited about — Flying cars? Whatever. Holograms? Yawn! — one thing that has a consistent buzz around it is the oft-rumored iWatch. An iPad for your wrist, a stylish accessory for the techiest techie! In other words, what digital dreams are made of. But before now, there wasn’t much solid evidence that Apple was working on such a thing…. (dramatic pause) until now. [More]

FCC To Test Mobile Broadband Speeds… In Due Time
For two years now, the Federal Communications Commission has been looking at terrestrial broadband services to see which DSL/cable/fiber/string-and-cans providers are actually delivering the speeds they promise. So it only makes sense for the FCC to start looking at just how quickly U.S. consumers are able to download data over mobile networks. Unfortunately, the federal government still moves at the speed of a crappy dial-up line. [More]