For many people, Thanksgiving means going to visit your family. If you’re lucky, they’re within a couple hours’ drive or train ride. But for the rest of us, it means trekking to the airport, waiting in line, praying you don’t have to deal with a full-body scanner or a pat-down, and then hoping you can still make it to your gate in time. And depending on which airports you’re flying in and out of this weekend, you could be in for a very long wait. [More]

How To Turn A McRib Into A Hawaiian Thanksgiving
With only a couple weeks to go before the McRib disappears into obscurity again, true fans of the pork-ish McDonald’s sandwich are trying to get their fill. And now, thanks to Erik Trinidad, the mad genius behind Fancy Fast Food, they can even enjoy their favorite treat on Thanksgiving. [More]

Deep Fry Your Turkey Without Turning Into A Human Torch
If you’re planning to deep-fry your turkey this Thanksgiving, Consumer Reports has one simple piece of advice: Skip the propane and go electric. [More]

Wash Your Potatoes In The Dishwasher
Need to wash a lot of potatoes in a hurry? Pop them in the dishwasher. Set it to quick rinse and go. Of course, don’t put any suds in! [More]

Town Passes Anti Black Friday Rampage Ordinance
Finally, one town has taken a stand against the madness and said, “no more.” [More]

Publix Insider Explains Cold Turkey Office Party
On Tuesday, we published the story of a woman who ordered a turkey from a Publix supermarket deli for her office’s Thanksgiving celebration, only to discover that her “fully cooked” turkey was cooked, but cold. This was a problem. Her story had a happy ending, but we heard from a Publix employee who confirmed that selling a cold turkey with no warning is wrong…and would lead to trouble for any employee who tried it at our tipster’s store. [More]

Don't Forget The Tofurky Soda
Just thought we’d remind you about this in case you thought it was a gag — or a bad dream.

Keep These Numbers Handy If You're Cooking A Turkey
Are you cooking a turkey, but not accustomed to baking and carving entire animals? You’re not alone, and there are hotlines full of helpful and knowledgeable people ready to help you with any and all poultry crises. Or other food safety issues.
There’s also an app for that–the interactive Turkey Timer iPhone application is on sale for $1.99 today (regular price $2.99). It reminds you when to baste, tells you how long until the turkey is cooked, and even estimates the internal temperature of your bird. (Warning: do not insert iPhone inside turkey.)

1936 Thanksgiving Camel Ad: Smoke After Each Course!
This advertisement for Camel cigarettes appeared in the November 23, 1936 edition of LIFE magazine. It earnestly demands that you smoke a Camel after each course of Thanksgiving dinner — “for digestion’s sake.” [More]

Four Tips To Make Holiday Air Travel Easier
Are you traveling by air this week in order to celebrate Thanksgiving where you belong…or at least where you feel obligated to be. USA Today published a list of holiday travel tips…they’re all good general travel tips, but especially helpful when airports are crowded and stress is high. [More]

Is A "Fully-Cooked" Turkey Supposed To Be Hot?
Wendy was in charge of planning the at-work Thanksgiving feast for her colleagues at her new job, and was happy to take on the task. A series of misunderstandings at the grocery store deli meant that she nearly had to serve her colleagues a fully cooked but entirely cold turkey. [More]

Free Thanksgiving Tips Book Download
Here’s a free Thanksgiving-themed PDF booklet from Money Management International, a non-profit that focuses on financial literacy. The booklet contains some guidelines on how to plan out the big event, how to save money on decor, and tips on shopping and saving money.

Checklist Your Way To Thanksgiving Success
It’s time to get ready for Thanksgiving. Stay in budget and manage your time effectively with ShelterPop’s pre-Turkey Day checklist. What do you do around your house to prepare?

Your Wish For Tofurky/Gravy-Flavored Soda Has Been Granted
Spotter of strange foods NORMLgirl has brought you another gem: Tofurky and gravy flavored soda, in a story by the bemused Cheryl V. Jackson of the Chicago Sun-Times.

Toys R Us Manager Says Store Will Be Open On Thanksgiving This Year
Retail isn’t a great field to be in if you enjoy having nights, weekends and holidays off. A disgruntled Toys R Us manager wrote us to say Thanksgiving, one of his three guaranteed holidays per year, will vanish in order to give the store a jump on its Black Friday competitors.

Hey Lowe's: Is Halloween Next? Or Christmas?
The Christmas trees are in full effect and the decorations are crowding out the Halloween stuff at the Lowe’s in Alexandria, VA.