White Castle is pitching its slider stuffing once more, with discount coupons for customers who want to buy bulk burgers to add to their Thanksgiving dinner. The recipe, which has been around for about 20 years, calls for one slider per pound of turkey. [More]

Should You Go To A Restaurant For Thanksgiving?
If you’ve decided to ditch the turkey fryer and go to a restaurant for your Thanksgiving meal, you’re not alone. According to a new survey, 14 million Americans will eat out on Thanksgiving this year. [More]

4 Bad Cooking Habits People Need To Break
Thanksgiving is next week, meaning that even some people whose version of “home cooking” involves pressing a button on the microwave will be playing chef for the day. But there are a number of kitchen habits — some of them handed down through the generations — that home cooks need to break themselves of before they pop in that turkey (or tofurkey, if you’re so inclined). [More]

How To Thaw A Turkey
Turkeys are complex beasts that beleaguer you with infinite ways in which you can screw up cooking their corpses. The myriad ways to clean, cook and carve a bird can stressify your Thanksgiving, but before you get into all that, you can start by thawing your tryptophan delight. [More]

Target Employees Fight Back Against Store's Plan To Open Thanksgiving Night
Because people simply can not wait until after they’ve digested their turkey to cash in on deep discounts, many of the major retail chains are opening earlier than usual on Black Friday this year. This is not sitting well with thousands of Target employees who have signed a petition for the store to at least let them finish their pumpkin pie before having to report to work. [More]

Write A Black Friday Parody Of Rebecca Black's "Friday"
Longtime commenter, and honorary Consumer Reports labcoat owner, GitEmSteveDave needs help. He wants to sing a parody version of Rebecca Black’s “Friday,” except about “Black Friday.” He’s a gifted an enthusiastic singer… the one thing he’s missing are the lyrics. [More]

Thanksgiving Dinner Will Cost You 13% More This Year
If you’re planning on ponying up for this year’s Thanksgiving dinner, be prepared to spend some more money, as a new report finds the average cost of a turkey-fied feast has jumped more than 13% since last year. [More]

Walmart Will Open At 10pm On Thanksgiving
The arms race of hours is on. Determined to top retailers like Target, Macy’s, Kohl’s and Best Buy who are all opening at midnight on Black Friday, Walmart has announced it will be opening at 10 pm on Thanksgiving night. [More]

Most Americans Giving Black Friday The Cold Shoulder
Despite all the hype and hoopla and multi-page spreads, most Americans are planning on doing absolutely no shopping at all on Black Friday, according to a new survey. [More]

JCPenney's Black Friday Ad Is Out
If you want to see what kind of deals JCPenney is offering for the Black Friday sale this year, their entire 72-page ad just got uploaded. [More]

Big Retailers Opening Doors Even Earlier On Black Friday
Instead of the usual 3am Black Friday door opening, several retailers, including Target, Macy’s, and Kohls, announced they’re going to be open at midnight this year. [More]

Target Store Has Great Black Friday Idea: Only 30 People At A Time
Here’s a crazy idea: let’s construct a Black Friday sale in such a way as shoppers aren’t hospitalized in a mad dash for deals. That’s what one Target store in Indiana is doing, where the plan is to only let 30 people in the store at a time on the sale day after Thanksgiving. [More]

Is Today The Last Day To Eat Your Thanksgiving Leftovers?
Surely most have you have finished picking the carcass of your Thanksgiving turkey of all things edible. But for those of you who still have some bird meat sitting in your fridge — today is the deadline for eating them without putting yourself at risk. [More]

For Kids Who Celebrate Their First Thanksgiving At Age 2
Maybe your kid slept through his first Thanksgiving. Maybe you adopted him from another country. Or maybe he chose not to observe the holiday last year as some sort of protest, latching on to an activist movement in his youth, only to see the error of his ways and join in the turkey-munching fun this year. [More]

Which Products Are You Most Thankful For?
In case you hadn’t noticed, a lot of what gets posted on Consumerist isn’t always the cheeriest of news. But in the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday, we admit that not everything is a malicious scam filled with melamine, cadmium and lead and secretly owned by Halliburton. [More]

Perk Up Your Fella's Private Parts With Some Pumpkin Pie
When many people think about the side-effects of a Thanksgiving feast, it usually involves either an expanding waistline or a post-meal nap on the couch. But a new study claims that the scent of one Turkey Day classic, pumpkin pie, can have some positive payoff in the bedroom. [More]

The 5 Stupidest Questions People Ask The Butterball Turkey Hotline
If you’ve ever wondered why companies like Butterball have a Turkey Talk-Line to help people cook a bird that, in theory, shouldn’t require all that much effort, here are some examples why. [More]

Gastroenterologists Warn That Thanksgiving Can Make You Sick
If you’re a regular reader of Gastroenterology & Endoscopy News, you already know about this, but just in case you’ve allowed your subscription to lapse, here’s a word of warning: you may get heartburn from your Thanksgiving dinner. You can thank us later. [More]