Have you heard the one about the turkey that wandered into a Wisconsin Walmart? Oh, it’s not a joke, it really happened last month, and now the greeter for the store says he’s been fired over the incident. [More]

Have You Started Defrosting Your Turkey Yet? Don’t Wait Too Long
In a little more than 48 hours, many of us will be sitting down to a Thanksgiving meal that probably includes a turkey. Some of us will have to wait longer or just eat something else because the person responsible for said turkey didn’t take it out of the freezer until Thursday morning. [More]

Your Thanksgiving Feast Will Cost Less This Year
After the average price of Thanksgiving dinner topped $50 for the first time ever in 2015, consumers are getting a break this year: the American Farm Bureau Federation says the average cost of a feast for 10 people will be $49.87, a $0.24 drop from a year ago. [More]

USDA Reports First New Case Of Bird Flu Since June At Commercial Turkey Farm In Indiana
As U.S. poultry farmers continue to get their flocks back to normal levels and consumers are finally seeing prices dropping after the widespread avian flu outbreak that hit the industry last year, officials with the Department of Agriculture say they’ve found the first case of bird flu since last June. [More]

Turkeys Decide This Thanksgiving Thing Is Not For Them, Escape From Moving Truck
Though Americans around the world will be giving thanks for the turkey on their table this Thanksgiving, let’s all stop for a moment to honor two birds that won’t be the starring event this year: a pair of gobblers escaped from a truck on its way to the slaughterhouse in Wisconsin, thus thwarting their holiday fate. [More]

Is Your Thanksgiving Turkey On Drugs?
We’ve written before about the overuse of antibiotics in turkeys and how it contributes to the development of drug-resistant bacteria, and some companies have pledged to cut down on the amount of unnecessary antibiotics they feed to their birds. But was the turkey you’re planning to carve up next Thursday raised using these and other potentially harmful drugs? [More]

Turkey Talk: What Do Labels Like “Young,” “Fresh” And “Natural” Actually Mean?
Whether you’re strolling down the supermarket aisle or perusing online grocers’ offerings ahead of Thanksgiving, you’re bound to see turkeys with a wide range of labels: “young,” “fresh,” “premium” and other distinctions that you may think you understand… but you probably don’t. [More]

Turkey, Pumpkin Supply Issues Won’t Impact Thanksgiving Meal Prices
While the aftershocks of this summer’s avian flu outbreak and the recent loss of pumpkin crops to high rainfall have led to higher prices for the products, analysts say those costs shouldn’t affect this year’s Thanksgiving dinner. [More]

Prices For Eggs, Turkey Meat Starting To Rise As Bird Flu Outbreak Continues
We’ve heard warnings that Thanksgiving turkey supplies could suffer a hit this season amid a severe outbreak of avian flu in the Midwest that began in April, and now it appears consumers will begin to see effects in their wallets. The prices for eggs and turkey meat are going up as more chickens and turkeys fall to the disease. [More]

Poultry Pros: Avian Flu Outbreak Could Impact This Year’s Thanksgiving Feasts
It’s still more than six months away, but amid an avian flu outbreak in the U.S. that’s doing some serious damage to poultry farms, some people are already having to think long and hard about Thanksgiving. Supplies of whole turkeys might not be able to keep up as well as usual with the holiday demand. [More]

Hormel Says Turkey Sales Will Suffer This Year Because Of Bird Flu Outbreak
In the midst of a major avian flu outbreak, Hormel says the fallout from the virus will mean it sells fewer turkeys this year, after losing 1.7 million birds on 28 farms in Minnesota. [More]

Competitive Eater Gobbles Down 9.35 Pounds Of Turkey In 10 Minutes
So you’re planning on eating a whole lot of turkey on Thanksgiving, huh? Good luck trying to get anywhere near the amount of turkey the winner of a holiday-themed eating contest just shoved down his gullet in the amount of time it takes me to decide how large of a scoop of mashed potatoes I can serve myself without having everyone behind me in line hate me. [More]

Boston Market: Official Caterer Of People Stuck At Work On Thanksgiving
One company has definitely benefited from the trend of retailers opening before dinner time on Thanksgiving Day: Boston Market, the restaurant chain that serves fast casual poultry and traditional side dishes year-round. The chain does plenty of rotisserie chicken and mashed potato business year-round and has always been a popular spot for quick dinners and catering on Thanksgiving, but its catering sales have increased for the last few years. [More]

USDA Changes Up The Way It’s Been Inspecting Poultry Plants For The Last 50 Years
In an effort to stem the tide of foodborne illnesses hitting the country every year via chicken and turkey, the Obama administration has announced new rules for poultry plants, revamping the rules its used for inspections for the first time since 1957. But critics are crying foul, calling the government out for failing to address the role antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria plays in the poultry industry. [More]

This Oscar Mayer Turkey Is Spicier, And There’s Less Of It
Sure, extra spices really add something to a prepared food item. Do they add enough to justify making packages a whole ounce lighter? Well… in the case of this Oscar Mayer shaved turkey that got slightly spicier but lost an ounce, the answer is “probably not.” [More]

‘Tis The Season To Use A Frozen Turkey As A Weapon During Grocery Store Brawl
We understand that the holiday season can get anyone’s duff up — it’s jungle out there, what with a shortage of Butterball frozen turkeys and all. So sure, maybe tempers were running high at a grocery store meat counter in Madison, Wis., but that’s no reason to start a food fight and use victuals as weapons. [More]