Though many of the big box stores now open for Black Friday at some point on Thanksgiving, some retailers and mall owners have fought back against this trend. For the second year in a row, one of the nation’s largest mall operators has declared that its properties’ doors will remain shut this Thanksgiving. [More]

Which States Have Tax-Free Holidays, And When Do They Happen?
As families prepare to send their little ones back to school, they’re heading to malls, big box stores, and other retailers to fill their backpacks and closets. While many companies offer deals and programs targeting back-to-school season — we’re looking at you Target — many states are also offering their own deals in the way of sales tax-free weekends. [More]

Your Holiday Shopping Could Get More Expensive, Thanks To UPS
If you were planning to do your holiday shopping from the comfort of home, scooping up bargains with a click, you should know that you may have to pay a little more this year since UPS is tacking on a holiday delivery surcharge during the busiest weeks of the year. [More]

Toymakers Want A Piece Of Your Kid’s Easter Basket
Who says Easter baskets are only supposed to contain chocolate bunnies and and sugar-encrusted marshmallow bunny-like things? The toy industry is actively pushing for parents to include dolls and games in with all the sweet stuff — and parents are apparently listening. [More]

Here’s A Huge List Of Holiday Movies You Can Stream Instead Of Talking To Your Family
The gifts have been opened, the whiskey has been added to the eggnog, and all you want i to stop talking to everyone who’s been getting on your nerves all day. Here’s to hoping you’ve got access to a streaming subscription service, and your father-in-law finally figured out where he put the piece of paper with the WiFi password on it. [More]

20 Photos Of Kids Who Absolutely Cannot Stand That Santa Claus Guy
It’s a truth universally acknowledged, that despite the fact that millions of kids worship Santa Claus and his present-bringing powers, many of those children are terrified of meeting the guy. And when they do, their parents are often treated to some truly fantastic meltdowns (which are then captured on camera for posterity). [More]

The Big List Of Consumer Reports Gift Guides
’Tis the season, when you’ve realized you have a long list of friends and loved ones to shop for, but absolutely zero ideas about what to get them. We can help. [More]

Reminder: We Want Photographic Evidence Of Your Kid’s Mall Santa Claus Nightmare
Have you been to the mall recently with your adorable, usually well-behaved offspring, to visit a certain jolly bearded fellow? If you caught some hilarious results on camera, we’d like to remind you that you’ve still got time to submit your photos. [More]

A Few Pen Strokes On This McDonald’s Coffee Cup Give “Warmest Greetings” A New Meaning
There are some things that, once seen, cannot be unseen. Like when someone draws hands on a pair of mittens on McDonald’s McCafe cup, and changes innocent outerwear into, well, something not quite so innocent. [More]

Filling Your Stocking With Chocolate May Be Cheaper This Year
If it’s not visions of sugar plums you see dancing in your head at Christmas, but images of chocolate Santa Clauses and reindeer, you’re in luck: cocoa prices are falling, which means chocolate is getting cheaper. [More]

‘Santa B’ Strikes Again: Layaway Angel Pays For $50K Worth Of Gifts At PA Walmart
It’s that time of year again, when we’re happy to hear about shoppers performing good deeds and random acts of kindness. Some of those warm-hearted folks we know better than others, including Pennsylvania’s “Santa B” layaway angel, who has now covered the cost of Walmart shoppers’ layaway items for the third year in a row. [More]

Target Reissues Menorah Recall Over The Wrong Kind Of Fire Concerns
This Hanukkah, you’ll want to gather around the table with your family to light the menorah. While you want there to be flickering flames, what you definitely do not want is a melted candelabrum melting all over your holiday decor. [More]

Burger King Selling A Doughnut Burger For Hanukkah
If you love doughnuts, burgers, and burgers made with doughnuts, you might want to think about spending Hanukkah in Israel, where Burger King will be offering doughnut burgers for the holiday. [More]

’Tis The Season: We Want Photos Of Your Kid’s Mall Santa Claus Nightmare
It’s that time of year again, when parents inform their offspring that they’re being taken to meet a mystical bearded stranger who, if they’ve been good, has the potential to make all their dreams come true. Instead, these children find themselves face-to-face with a red-suited nightmare from which they want desperately to escape. [More]

You Could End Up Paying More For Your Christmas Tree This Year
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in many homes across America, but could tree shortages caused by droughts and other problems in some states dampen holiday spirits? [More]

4 Scams To Avoid During The Holidays
It’s that time of year, where all your focus is on your quest to shop for gifts, decorate your home, and survive the gauntlet of holiday parties. But don’t let your ambition for discounts and seemingly great seasonal opportunities blind you to some common scams that tend to pop up in these final weeks of the year. [More]

‘Don’t Wash Your Turkey’ & 4 Other USDA Tips To Avoid Making Your Family Sick This Thanksgiving
If you’re preparing a holiday feast for this Thursday, maybe you’ve already began some preparatory work beyond starting to defrost the turkey. If you want to keep your guests more safe from foodborne illnesses, here are some useful tips from the U.S. Department of Agriculture on everything from cleaning the exterior of your turkey to keeping your dinner safe from wild animals. If you don’t want to keep your guests safe, they can’t help you. [More]