Though many of the big box stores now open for Black Friday at some point on Thanksgiving, some retailers and mall owners have fought back against this trend. For the second year in a row, one of the nation’s largest mall operators has declared that its properties’ doors will remain shut this Thanksgiving. [More]

GameStop Will Open On Thanksgiving This Year Because… Employees Want To?
For the last few years, GameStop, likely owner of your local AT&T store, has decided not to take part in the Thanksgiving Day retail frenzy in much of the rest of the mall. This year, though, there’s a new Nintendo console to sell, and employees asked the chain to open up on the holiday. Wait, what? [More]

Restaurant’s Gravy Blamed For Mystery Illness That Sickened Hundreds On Thanksgiving
While public health authorities haven’t conclusively proven which foodborne pathogen made hundreds of people sick after Thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant in western New York, they do know which food item made people sick. Gravy was served at a low temperature that allowed Clostridium perfringens bacteria to thrive. [More]

Meal Box Companies Hope To Hook You With Thanksgiving Boxes
If you’re in charge of cooking a Thanksgiving feast, wouldn’t it just be easier to have someone ship you a box filled with all of the ingredients and recipes that you need? No, we’re not talking about the entire bland frozen dinner in a box; these Thanksgiving boxes come from the popular new meal kit companies. Their plan is to simplify your holiday — and of course to hopefully recruit new customers into paying for meal boxes all year-round. [More]

24+ Hours Of Thanksgiving Movies & TV You Can Stream Instead Of Talking To Your Family
The turkey has been cleared, the pie has been devoured, and the dishes are done, man. And now, your father-in-law wants to talk politics. Your options include feigning a disaster in another room, straight up ignoring him, or faking a pressing bathroom break. Or, you could turn on a Thanksgiving-themed movie or TV show and have everyone gather ’round, shut up and watch it together. [More]

Have You Started Defrosting Your Turkey Yet? Don’t Wait Too Long
In a little more than 48 hours, many of us will be sitting down to a Thanksgiving meal that probably includes a turkey. Some of us will have to wait longer or just eat something else because the person responsible for said turkey didn’t take it out of the freezer until Thursday morning. [More]

‘Don’t Wash Your Turkey’ & 4 Other USDA Tips To Avoid Making Your Family Sick This Thanksgiving
If you’re preparing a holiday feast for this Thursday, maybe you’ve already began some preparatory work beyond starting to defrost the turkey. If you want to keep your guests more safe from foodborne illnesses, here are some useful tips from the U.S. Department of Agriculture on everything from cleaning the exterior of your turkey to keeping your dinner safe from wild animals. If you don’t want to keep your guests safe, they can’t help you. [More]

Which Stores Are Open On Thanksgiving & When Do They Open On Black Friday?
Thanksgiving is usually the big day on the calendar in November, but this year the holiday took a backseat to Election Day — so much so that many people say they delayed the start of their holiday shopping until after the votes had been counted. Now here we are, with only a few days to go before Thanksgiving (and, more importantly to some folks, Black Friday); you’ll need to know which stores are opening when in order to maximize your shopping efficiency. [More]

Hundreds Of O’Hare Airport Workers Vote To Strike Just In Time For Thanksgiving
Planning on flying into, out of, or through Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport for the Thanksgiving holiday? You should be prepared for some disruptions in travel, after hundreds of airport workers voted to go on strike over wages. [More]

Your Thanksgiving Feast Will Cost Less This Year
After the average price of Thanksgiving dinner topped $50 for the first time ever in 2015, consumers are getting a break this year: the American Farm Bureau Federation says the average cost of a feast for 10 people will be $49.87, a $0.24 drop from a year ago. [More]

JCPenney Handing Out $500 Coupons To Lure Shoppers On Thanksgiving
Even though JCPenney is starting its Black Friday sales online next Wednesday, the retailer is still hoping it can convince some folks that they’d rather be shopping in physical stores on Thanksgiving than spending time with loved ones/taking turkey-induced naps by offering up coupons worth $500 off to the first people to come through the doors. [More]

Sears Will Open On Thanksgiving Then Close For Five Hours
For every retailer like REI, hhgregg, and TJMaxx that proudly announces they are bucking the trend of opening their doors on Thanksgiving Day, there’s a counterpart sticking to its guns and opening to holiday shoppers on an actual holiday. To that end: Sears will open at 6 p.m. on Thanksgiving. [More]

Toys ‘R’ Us Will Once Again Open At 5 PM On Thanksgiving, Stay Open For 30 Hours Straight
Toys ‘R’ Us apparently subscribes to “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” logic when it comes to shopping hours for Thanksgiving: the toy store is once again opening its doors at 5 p.m. local time on Thanksgiving, and will keep those doors open for 30 hours in a row. [More]

JCPenney Kicks Off Black Friday The Wednesday Before Thanksgiving
Last year, JCPenney waited around until Thanksgiving Day to begin its Black Friday/Shopping Frenzy Week deals. This year, the department store chain has decided that’s way too late, and plans to start its deals even earlier: all of its advertised specials for Black Friday will be available on Wednesday. [More]

Report: Macy’s To Open An Hour Earlier On Thanksgiving Day
While the trend of not opening on Thanksgiving Day and making sure everyone knows it spreads across the retailscape, some stores are sticking with the previous trend of opening on the holiday. One example: Macy’s, which apparently has been so successful with the practice that it’s reportedly moving its Thanksgiving Day opening time back an hour, to 5 PM. [More]