To help calm the nerves of users whose personal information was swiped during the PlayStation Network outage, Sony offered a year of free identity theft protection through Debix’s AllClear ID PLUS program. The deadline to register was set to expire June 28, but Sony has extended it through the end of the day July 31. [More]

Sony At E3: An Apology, Price For New Portable, Unintended Laughter, A Boast And Poor Defense By Kobe Bryant
Sony’s marathon E3 press conference Monday, which I attended, was a roller coaster of surreal announcements and pronouncements by the company. It started with Sony Computer Entertainment of America CEO Jack Tretton offering a profuse apology for the PlayStation Network outage and data breach, and just got more awkward from there. [More]

PlayStation Network Finally All The Way Back From The Dead
Sony made good on its promise to restore the beleaguered PlayStation Network back to full strength, re-opening the online PlayStation Store and also allowing players to re-download past purchases. [More]

Sony Says PlayStation Network Should Be Fully Restored This Week
Sony managed to patch some key parts of its downed PlayStation Network more than two weeks ago, but some functions — such as the ability to buy and download previously purchased games — are still missing. [More]

Three More Sony Sites Fall To Hackers
Sony got hacked. Again. In three different countries. The music giant confirmed that it had to shut down its Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications shopping site in Canada after thieves broke in and stole personal information of about 2,000 customers. [More]

PlayStation Network Troubles Cost Sony $171 Million
Sony’s infamous PlayStation Network outage and data breach will carry a hefty price tag for the company, costing it $171 million to rebuild in the fiscal year ending March of next year. [More]

New PS3 Problems: Network Login Exploit, Overheating Consoles
Sony’s run of bad luck continues. Following the three-weeks-and-change PlayStation Network outage and accompanying data breach, Sony dealt with potentially compromised PSN website logins and reports of systems overheating when playing a popular new game. [More]

Sony CEO: Company Was Not Slow To Notify Users Of Data Breach
Sony CEO Howard Stringer lashed out at those who complained that the company waited too long to notify customers of its PlayStation Network data breach. [More]

Sony Names Games It Will Offer PS3, PSP Players To Apologize For Outage
As an apologetic gift to gamers who suffered Sony’s recently concluded PlayStation Network outage and accompanying data breach, Sony will offer players a maximum of four downloadable games — two for PS3 owners and two for those with PSPs. The games come from pre-selected fields of five games for the PS3 and four for the PSP. [More]

Don't Hold Your Breath For A Timely PlayStation Network Restoration
Remember when Sony said its downed PlayStation Network would be back up in some form sometime last week? That didn’t happen, and now that the outage nears the start of its fourth week, Sony is astutely getting more vague in its promises. [More]

Sony: Our Security Was Up To Date
Contradicting a security expert’s statement that Sony’s PlayStation Network security software was obsolete months before it was shredded by hackers, the electronics giant says its defenses were indeed up to snuff. [More]

Sony Offers Year Of Identity Theft Prevention Service As Hackers Allegedly Plot Another Attack
To regain the confidence of customers burned by its infamous PlayStation Network outage and data breach, Sony is offering U.S. users a year’s subscription to an identity theft prevention service. [More]

Sony Confirms Yet Another Credit Card Data Breach
As if it wasn’t bad enough that 10 million credit card numbers may be at risk due to a hacker’s takedown of PlayStation Network, Sony is also facing a data hemorrhage on another front. Sony Online Entertainment — maker of EverQuest — confirmed another data breach has left 12,700 non-U.S. credit card numbers and 10,700 bank account numbers exposed. [More]

Sony Apologizes For PlayStation Network Outage, Says 10 Million Credit Cards May Be At Risk
At a press conference in Tokyo over the weekend, executives for Sony issued a public apology for the ongoing PlayStation Network outage and admitted that upwards of 10 million users’ credit card information could possibly have been breached. [More]