How do you communicate with most of the folks in your life, these days? Is it face-to-face, or is it digital communication over someone else’s private service? If it’s the latter, there’s a recent court ruling from a federal court in Kansas that should remind you about where you should — and shouldn’t — reasonably expect your data to remain private. [More]
playstation network

Xbox One Will Support Cross-Platform Multiplayer With PS4, PC
If you like playing online multiplayer games on your Xbox One but hate that you can never play your pal because she’s a PlayStation 4 devotee, here’s some promising news. [More]

Sony Finally Handing Out Free Game Codes From 2014 Lawsuit Over 2011 Outage And Breach
Do you remember the Great PlayStation Network Hack of 2011, which caused a 23-day outage and a massive credit card breach? I didn’t: I had to look it up. If you were one of the estimated 70 million people affected, and you happened to know about a class action suit settled in 2014 to file a claim, you can expect to receive some game credits soon. Make sure that the claims administrators know where to find you. [More]

PlayStation Network Users Report Hacked Accounts, Terrible Options From Sony
If you use PlayStation Network, Sony’s online platform for buying games and downloadable content for games, consider not keeping payment information on file and changing your password. It’s bad enough that stories of hacked accounts have surfaced in recent days, but these users report that Sony has given them no good options: they can eat hundreds of dollars’ worth of purchases, or lose access to their PSN accounts…forever. [More]

Sony Offers Membership Extension, 10% Store Discount In Wake Of PlayStation Network Outage
A week after gamers on Sony’s PlayStation Network were stuck battling connectivity issues for days, the company is now trying to make peace for by offering a five-day extension for PlayStation Plus members, as well as a 10% off discount code for all PSN members as a “thank you.” [More]

Sony Extends PlayStation Store Sales While Still Experiencing Connectivity Issues
If you have a Sony PlayStation, you’re no doubt aware that the PlayStation Network went down for several days during the Christmas holiday and is still apparently experiencing problems. While the company isn’t yet offering any free stuff or reimbursing PlayStation Plus members for the downtime, it is extending a pair of sales in response to the incident. [More]

Sony Is Hurt I Got PSN Codes Through Amazon, Won’t Give Me $10 Store Credit
Sony had this great deal offering $10 in store credit for every $50 that they spent in the PlayStation Network online store. Shane decided to give making purchases in the PSN store a try, because, hey, free money! Only in his attempt to avoid handing over his credit card info to Sony, he inadvertently didn’t fulfill one of the terms of the deal, and Sony won’t give him one of his $10 credits. [More]
Sony Returns Sales Tax It Mistakenly Charged PS3 Owners
Sony sent out emails to customers saying it mistakenly charged sales tax on PlayStation Network purchases back in the day, and has refunded the money into their accounts. [More]

93,000 PSN Accounts Suspended After Latest Attack
PlayStation announced they’ve suspended 93,000 PSN accounts after the latest attack against their network. [More]

Sony Extends Identity Theft Protection Offer For PlayStation Network Users Through july
To help calm the nerves of users whose personal information was swiped during the PlayStation Network outage, Sony offered a year of free identity theft protection through Debix’s AllClear ID PLUS program. The deadline to register was set to expire June 28, but Sony has extended it through the end of the day July 31. [More] Does What It Says
With hit after hit coming on a regular basis it can be hard to keep track of whether Sony has been hacked this week or not, and it’s easy to tune out. Thankfully, a simple new service has stepped in to make it a lot easier to find out if Sony has been hacked recently. It’s called [More]

Sony At E3: An Apology, Price For New Portable, Unintended Laughter, A Boast And Poor Defense By Kobe Bryant
Sony’s marathon E3 press conference Monday, which I attended, was a roller coaster of surreal announcements and pronouncements by the company. It started with Sony Computer Entertainment of America CEO Jack Tretton offering a profuse apology for the PlayStation Network outage and data breach, and just got more awkward from there. [More]

PlayStation Network Finally All The Way Back From The Dead
Sony made good on its promise to restore the beleaguered PlayStation Network back to full strength, re-opening the online PlayStation Store and also allowing players to re-download past purchases. [More]

Sony Says PlayStation Network Should Be Fully Restored This Week
Sony managed to patch some key parts of its downed PlayStation Network more than two weeks ago, but some functions — such as the ability to buy and download previously purchased games — are still missing. [More]

PlayStation Network Troubles Cost Sony $171 Million
Sony’s infamous PlayStation Network outage and data breach will carry a hefty price tag for the company, costing it $171 million to rebuild in the fiscal year ending March of next year. [More]

Sony CEO: Company Was Not Slow To Notify Users Of Data Breach
Sony CEO Howard Stringer lashed out at those who complained that the company waited too long to notify customers of its PlayStation Network data breach. [More]

Sony Names Games It Will Offer PS3, PSP Players To Apologize For Outage
As an apologetic gift to gamers who suffered Sony’s recently concluded PlayStation Network outage and accompanying data breach, Sony will offer players a maximum of four downloadable games — two for PS3 owners and two for those with PSPs. The games come from pre-selected fields of five games for the PS3 and four for the PSP. [More]