Still got that Playstation Portable, aka the PSP? Clutch it tight if you treasure it, folks, because Sony says it won’t be making anymore. Instead, it’s focusing on the PSP’s successor to the mobile gaming throne, the Vita. [More]

Sony Clamps Down On Downloaded Games Sharing
Sony currently lets you store downloaded games on a total of five PS3s or PSPs, but it’s cutting back on those limits. Starting Nov. 18, you’ll only be able to store a game on two PS3s or two PSPs. Some games, such as PlayStation 1 classics and PSP Minis, are playable on both systems, and you can play those on two PS3s and two PSPs each. [More]

Sony Names Games It Will Offer PS3, PSP Players To Apologize For Outage
As an apologetic gift to gamers who suffered Sony’s recently concluded PlayStation Network outage and accompanying data breach, Sony will offer players a maximum of four downloadable games — two for PS3 owners and two for those with PSPs. The games come from pre-selected fields of five games for the PS3 and four for the PSP. [More]

Report: Sony Finally Puts PSP Go Out Of Its Misery
From the very start, Sony’s PSP Go looked like a non-starter. The handheld game machine cost more than previous PSPs, lacked the ability to play disc-based games and struggled to get retailers to stock it. [More]

A Look Back At Sony's Miserable PSP Ad Campaigns
From time to time at Consumerist we like to take a look back at comically antiquated ads from the long-ago past, gawking at their abruptness and racial insensitivity. But thanks to the magic of Sony and its colossal failure in an attempt to be “edgy” and “viral” while marketing the PSP, we need only look back to 2004-2006 to bask in the glory of badvertising. [More]

My Code For A Digital Copy Of District 9 Won't Work, Sony Won't Help
Realizing that rampant movie piracy has as much to do with the way consumers want to watch a film with their unwillingness to pay for it, some home video studios include codes to transfer digital copies of the films along with Blu-rays. [More]

Sony's Got A PlayStation Phone In The Works
Sony Ericsson has apparently got a heck of a digital rabbit inside its magic hat. Engadget reports the company is set to introduce a PlayStation phone, which will lack a keyboard but have a small touch pad in addition to controls much like that of a PSP Go. [More]

Sony Likely Planning Pay Online Service, PSP Follow-Up
Gaming blog VG247 sleuthed a couple of tidbits of Sony’s plans to grab some more money from loyal customers. According to the site’s sources, the company wants to institute a $50 a year premium online service, possibly giving subscribers a downloadable game a month if they pay a monthly fee. Thankfully Sony won’t go the Xbox Live route and gouge players to play online. [More]

Sony Moves Into The Protection Racket
No longer content to let retailers like Best Buy have all the fun — and ludicrous profit margin — Sony is selling extended warranties on its PlayStation products straight from the company. [More]

Sony Says It Can Take Away Data, Content With Updates At Will
Sloopydrew says Sony sent him a new terms of service email with some harrowing declarations about the company’s rights to screw with your gadgets as it sees fit — sort of a retroactive justification for taking away the ability to install another operating system on the PS3 hard drive. [More]

Sony Finally Realizes iPhone Exists, Decides To Make PSP Phone
With its finger on the pulse of the industry, eagle-eyed Sony developers have uncovered secret knowledge that Apple has released a device that lets you talk on the phone, listen to music and download video games. And as a result, it has decided to give one of its next redesigned PSPs the ability to call, text and email, the Wall Street Journal reports. [More]

Sony Blocks Online Play On Used Copies Of PSP SOCOM Game
Video game publishers generally aren’t too happy that companies such as GameStop reap huge profits from buying and selling used games, and Sony has devised a way to hobble the system from sapping away sales of its newest PSP shooter — slap DRM on the game’s online mode. [More]

Your Child's PSP Comes With Free Male Anatomy Lesson
A guy in Omaha, NE bought his kid a used PSP from a store called “CD Tradepost.” If you read this website a lot you can probably guess what he didn’t do before giving the device to his kid for Christmas. Yep, he didn’t check it for porn. [More]

If Your PS3 Thief Is A Moron, You Can MacGyver Its Recovery Via PSP
A theft victim claims he tracked down the guy who made off with his PS3 and several video games by using his PSP to turn on his console from afar and use the camera to snap an image of the bad guy. [More]

Sony Will Let Gamers Transfer Blu-ray Movies To PSP In November
Sony announced a while back that it would boost its foundering PSP by allowing gamers to transfer copies of Blu-ray films to the handheld device — but only if they also own a PS3.

Sony Releasing New PSP That Doesn't Play PSP Game Discs
On Thursday Sony releases the PSP Go, its fourth iteration of the handheld gaming device in as many years. In a move to counter used game sales that conceivably eat away at game publishers’ bottom lines, the smaller, lighter, $250 PSP spurns the system’s Universal Media Discs in favor of downloads.

Nigeria Demands Apology For Sony Ad Implying They're A Source Of Scams
Nigeria is mad at Sony for its latest ads that suggesting a lot of scams come from the country. Heaven forfend!

DS, PSP, iPhone, Meet Your New Portable Gaming Competitor: The Zune HD!
WIRED reports the newly released Zune HD can play video games. They found this promo video, posted inside, which reveals the device would play games, something Microsoft hadn’t confirmed.