Reader Ken would like to let us know that his deck of Uno cards arrived safely from [More]

Whopping Salmon Savings At Albertsons
Charles spotted this fantastic salmon sale at Albertsons, which is aimed at those who take the phrase “a penny saved is a penny earned” to heart. The sign maker may as well have labeled it “Buy 399, Get One Free!” [More]

Make Your Own Zhu Zhu The Fad Robot Hamster Toy
If you have kids, you’re probably biting your nails down to the quick worrying how you’re going to find–much less pay for–this year’s super hot fad toy, Zhu Zhu the Robot Hamster. But don’t be so stupid! The thing about fad toys like Zhu Zhu is that they’re about 30% fun, 30% marketing, and 40% media hype. You can bypass all that nonsense and make your own in less than 20 minutes, and for a fraction of the cost. [More]

Announcing Sportswear For America's New Sedentary Lifestyle
Back in 1951, American were clearly excited to no longer have to go outside in order to amuse themselves — and McGregor was happy to provide them with sportswear designed specifically for “America’s New Way Of Life.” Couch potatoism. [More]

McDonald's Installs Musical Playgrounds, Wants You To Kill Self
The always informative QSR magazine informs us that McDonald’s is “adding music to its children’s PlayPlace with a new music-themed interactive play area for children that combines play with the musical arts.” [More]

Why A Live Twitter Feed On Your Billboard Might Not Work Out
The folks at WPMI-TV in Alabama had an idea. They decided to rent an electronic billboard and stream the station’s live Twitter feed to it. What could possibly go wrong? [More]
Toys R Us Invites You To Save -$10
We love when Toys R Us does this. Ah, yes. “While supplies last.” Hurry, people. Hurry.

Here's Something We Won't Be Investigating
We asked for permission but our boss said, “No.”

Microsoft Store Employees Cruelly Forced To Dance For The Internet
Engadget has alerted the internet to a video of Microsoft store employees being cruelly forced to dance. We made it about 30 seconds into the video before we felt that it would just be mean-spirited to continue. Why, oh why, is this 4 minutes and 44 seconds long?

The Manliest Pants Of All Time
Yes, they’re Barracuda pants—the only trousers that remind you, and anyone within eyesight, that you have a penis.

Ford Announces Solution To America's Car Woes: The 1993 Taurus
Here’s a video from The Onion that pretty much sums up our nation’s automobile situation. The added incentive of a free Primus tape is really what sold me.

Just In Case Your Hands Are Jealous Of Your Butt
Reader Ashi has just alerted us to the existence of this product and asked the question: “Ummm…What the f*ck?”

Chipotle Says Their Food Does Not Cause Underwear Blood
South Park managed to combine the late Billy Mays, the unfortunately still around Ghost Hunters, and the beloved Chipotle chain in their latest episode, with surprising results.

Swine Flu Presents Grocery Store Marketing Opportunity
Reader Ian spotted this display at his local supermarket.

Call Yourself A 'Frugalista,' Get A Free Cease And Desist Letter
Miami Herald personal finance blogger Natalie McNeal is going all “Highlander” with her “Frugalista” moniker. As in, there can only be one. She trademarked the term and had a lawyer send out cease and desist letters to at least one other Frugalista.

Guess What Happens When Amazon Keeps Sending Shampoo In Same Box With Book
Reader Len recently found out that it’s sort of impossible to order shampoo and a book from Amazon at the same time. They’ll just keep sending you a shampoo-covered book until they eventually give up and refund your money. Trouble is, Len didn’t want a refund. He wanted a shampoo-less book.

Will Anyone Buy My 1300 Chinese Pope Hats?
One of the fun side-effects of Craigslist is that the lack of an editorial gatekeeper means it lets the crazy blossom. The newspaper Telegraph has assembled 20 of what they consider the wackiest Craigslist ads, including over 1300 Pope hats (sorry, they’re just replicas), diapers for incontinent dogs, and 300 stuffed penguins. Naturally we assume every one of them is really about sex, but maybe we’re being too jaded about Craigslisters.