A few weeks ago, we asked you which infomercial items you would love to see put to the test, and in the comments and e-mails, a number of you mentioned Mighty Putty, the epoxy adhesive hawked by the late Billy Mays. But then we looked through the archive over at sister site ConsumerReports.org and found they’d already put the putty through the paces. [More]
billy mays

Consumer Reporter Keeps Buying Things That Catch Fire
The Handy Switch, pitched in infomercials by the zombie late Billy Mays, is theoretically a cool product. It’s a wireless light switch that you can install and plug in anywhere. It would be very useful were it not for its unfortunate tendency to burst into flames.

Honor Your Favorite Deceased Infomercial Celebrity This Halloween
One of the inexpensive Halloween costume ideas suggested by readers was to dress in honor of the deceased and beloved infomercial pitchman Billy Mays. (This costume is especially simple if you already have dark hair and a beard.) Today, Billy Mays III announced a Billy Mays costume contest, sponsored and judged by his friends and colleagues at Sullivan Productions.

Chipotle Says Their Food Does Not Cause Underwear Blood
South Park managed to combine the late Billy Mays, the unfortunately still around Ghost Hunters, and the beloved Chipotle chain in their latest episode, with surprising results.

Report: Billy Mays Used Cocaine In His Last Days
The Hillsborough County, Florida medical examiner’s office reported this afternoon that toxicology results show boisterous master pitchman Billy Mays had used cocaine sometime in the days before his death. This may have contributed to his fatal heart attack.

Reader's Impact Gel Insoles Could Have Walked To His House By Now
Why is Adam smashing his hand with this hammer? To show you the frustration he feels because the Impact Gel insoles he ordered over three months ago—and which shipped out over a month ago—haven’t arrived yet.

Can Billy Mays Move Product From Beyond The Grave?
Next week, direct-response marketing juggernaut Telebrands will roll out a new ad campaign for Jupiter Jack, a tiny gadget intended to turn your car radio into a giant cell phone speakerphone. The star of the spot is recently deceased pitchman Billy Mays.

Billy Mays Likely Died Of Heart Disease
A Florida medical examiner says that beloved pitchman Billy Mays suffered from hypertensive heart disease and likely died of a heart attack. A day earlier, Mays bumped his head during a rough landing on a US Airways flight — but the autopsy showed no head trauma.

Billy Mays: A Look Back At A Television Legend
HI CONSUMERISTS, LAURA NORTHRUP HERE FOR THE BILLY MAYS TRIBUTE POST! Billy is no longer with us, but his oeuvre remains. Let’s take a look back at the ads, products, and gentle self-mockery that made Billy a master among pitchmen.

Billy Mays Dead At 50
You have to wonder if before going to sleep last night, pitchman Billy Mays thought of Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, and Ed McMahon, and said to himself one last time, “but wait, there’s more!”

Please Enjoy This Complimentary Billy Mays Remix Video, Our Gift To You With Each Order
What’s better than Billy Mays? Remixes of Billy Mays? We agree. And guess what? We’re tripling the offer inside. Yes. That’s right.* *These are all probably NSFW.