While some suppliers of bankrupt toy mega-chain Toys ‘R’ Us are desperate to make sure that the chain stays in business, others are taking the opportunity to stop dealing with the mega-chain. That’s because they’ve already shipped thousands or millions of dollars’ worth of merchandise to the deeply indebted retailer that they may never be paid for. [More]

Times Square Toys’R’Us Is Full Of Empty Shelves And Sadness
Earlier this year, we learned that the huge flagship Toys”R”Us store in New York City’s Times Square would be closing after the toy-centric holiday of Christmas. Today, the store still stands, full of empty shelves and sadness. Also, there’s still a big Star Wars display. [More]

Buy Your Next Rifle Sight From ToysRus
A reader named Braden wrote into Consumerist to show us that, in addition to all sorts of toys and games available on the ToysRus website, you can also pick up a Sightmark Accudot 243 Laser Boresight for your rifle. [More]

Toys"R"Us Pretends To Have Wiis In Stock, Disappoints Customers
Toys”R”Us’ website may claim to have Wiis in stock, but as reader Nick discovered yesterday, they don’t. Nick ordered the elusive console first thing yesterday morning, but Toys”R”Us quickly sent an email explaining that the Wii was backordered and unavailable. As of this morning, Toys”R”Us’ website still inexplicably lists the Wiis as “In Stock.”