
Citibank Helpfully Sends $0.00 Collection Letter

Citibank Helpfully Sends $0.00 Collection Letter

Citibank is so funny! They sent G. a prank collection letter for her student loan. Even though she doesn’t owe a balance. Hehe! April Fool! [More]

The Saddest Book Ever Written: Microwave Cooking For One

The Saddest Book Ever Written: Microwave Cooking For One

SFWeekly has declared this book, Microwaving Cooking For One, by Marie T. Smith, to be the saddest cookbook ever written. [More]

Comcast Sends Me To A Payday Loan Where I Am Propositioned By A Hooker

Comcast Sends Me To A Payday Loan Where I Am Propositioned By A Hooker

Here’s a new one. We really thought we’d heard every Comcast complaint out there, but no, this one has a hooker. Reader A. wanted internet but Comcast said it could not hook up said internet because the person who lived there before didn’t cancel their account. In order to prove he was really the new tenant, he needed to show his lease to Comcast. Unfortunately, instead of a proper Comcast office, customer service sent A. to a payday loan in a bad part of town where he was propositioned by a hooker. He is not pleased, and would like to know if Consumerist readers would still sign up with Comcast after the whole payday loan/hooker fiasco. [More]

Everything Is Five Bucks, And Completely Random, On Fiverr

Everything Is Five Bucks, And Completely Random, On Fiverr

Fiverr is a website where people post gigs they’re willing to do for five dollars. Does it work? I dunno, but it’s a lot of fun to read through the offers: someone will burn a small paper effigy of your enemy, or send you a sock puppet, or turn a photo into a cross-stitch pattern for you. My favorite is, “I will give you $10 if you find two people to give me $5 for $5.” [More]

Since Phone Sex Exists, Why Not Xbox Live Sex?

Since Phone Sex Exists, Why Not Xbox Live Sex?

GameCrush, a service that lets gamers pay to play online with women, goes live today, IGN reports. You sign up, scan through hundreds of profiles, set up a “play date” and see where the pixels take you. [More]

Hey, Nerds! Your Takeout Order Is Ready

Hey, Nerds! Your Takeout Order Is Ready

Whoever wrote up this Macaroni Grill guest check apparently looked at the customers waiting for the order, then called it as they saw it. [More]

Old Navy Restricts Drunken Revelry To Ages 13 And Up

Old Navy Restricts Drunken Revelry To Ages 13 And Up

Michael found this festive “I Rish I Was Drunk” button in an Old Navy store earlier this month. The fine print at the bottom warns, “Not intended for 12 years and under.” Ages thirteen and up? Pass the Guinness, apparently. [More]

Cash Register Editorializes About Your Taste In Energy

Cash Register Editorializes About Your Taste In Energy Drink

Reader Neil makes the following observation: [More]

Somebody On The Set Hates Sandra Lee

Somebody On The Set Hates Sandra Lee

Here is a video of the Food Network’s Sandra Lee telling people to mix cream, lemonade and vodka to make a “delicious, sweet treat.” From the look on her face, we suspect this is a lie. Also, when you put accidentally put cream in tea that has lemon — it curdles (sigh). This leads us to further suspect that someone hates Sandra Lee. [More]

Lindsay Lohan Sues E*Trade Over Talking Baby

Lindsay Lohan Sues E*Trade Over Talking Baby Commercial

Does the milkaholic baby named Lindsay in the latest E*TRADE commercial remind you of a certain celebrity? Lindsay Lohan says it’s supposed to be her and is a jab at her own milkaholism, and she’s suing the company for $100 million and seeking an injunction to get it off the air. I agree that the baby playing the milkaholic doesn’t give a very good performance, but I always assumed it was supposed to be Lindsey Buckingham. [More]

Internet Explorer 6 Takes A Dirt Nap

Internet Explorer 6 Takes A Dirt Nap

Aten Design Group of Denver hosted a funeral for Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 6 last week, after Google Docs and Google Sites stopped supporting the browser. YouTube will drop IE 6 — released in 2001 — Saturday. CNN reports the story of IE 6’s sendoff: [More]

Mass Effect 2 Shopkeeper Makes Fun Of People Who Buy Expensive Cables

Mass Effect 2 Shopkeeper Makes Fun Of People Who Buy Expensive Cables

Mass Effect 2 is an awesome game that you should buy immediately. In addition, it also offers solid electronics buying advice in the form of an alien shopkeeper. [More]

We Don't Know Why People Keep Sending Us Pictures Of These Candlesticks

We Don't Know Why People Keep Sending Us Pictures Of These Candlesticks

But we would like you to stop. Please. [More]

Spirit Airlines Releases Another Naughty Sounding Promo

Spirit Airlines Releases Another Naughty Sounding Promo

Last year Spirit Airlines had something called a M.I.L.F. Sale. They played it off as an accident, but I don’t think anyone believed them. Now they’re at it again, this time with an otherwise generic online ad that “accidentally” puts the word “muff” next to the word “diving.” Hmm, maybe that customer service number that really directed callers to a phone sex line wasn’t an accident, either. I bet if you fly Spirit Airlines and ask the flight attendants for some salted nuts, they burst into shameful giggles and run off. [More]

Ellen Can't Open The Make-Up She Endorses

Ellen Can't Open The Make-Up She Endorses

A viewer recently wrote to Ellen DeGeneres asking if she’d ever tried to open the Cover Girl Simply Ageless foundation that she endorses. The answer, it seems, is no. [More]

These Fake Plastic Pennies Cost Only 4.5 Cents Each

These Fake Plastic Pennies Cost Only 4.5 Cents Each

It’s never too early to teach your kids about financial responsibility. That’s why play money is a fun idea. What we find fiscally suspect, however, are plastic pennies from Learning Resources. 100 plastic pennies for the low, low price of $4.50. Yes, that’s four cents per penny, and even more than the U.S. Mint pays to make real pennies. [More]

35 Most Ridiculous SkyMall Items

35 Most Ridiculous SkyMall Items

This list, compiled by BuzzFeed, features not one but two variations on the snuggie — the “poshAir” sleeping bag, which is sort of a reverse snuggie, and the “saimese slanket,” which is a snuggie for two. [More]

Whatever This IKEA Couch Is, It Must Be Good For Napping

Whatever This IKEA Couch Is, It Must Be Good For Napping

This demonstration of couch napping took place at the IKEA in Brooklyn. Must be comfy.