Here are nine of the best photos that readers added to the Consumerist Flickr Pool in the last week, picked for usability in a Consumerist post or for just plain neatness. [More]

Feds Say New York’s “I Love NY” Highway Signs Violate The Law
Whether or not you actually feel affection toward New York, drivers cruising the state’s highways and byways are no doubt familiar with the proliferation of blue “I Love NY” signs that dot the roadside promoting tourism. But there’s one party that definitely doesn’t love the state for using those signs — the federal government. [More]

Why Is An Old Billboard A Treasured Symbol But A New One Is An Eyesore?
If someone told you today that a new, brightly lit neon sign was going up across the street from where you live, you might react with disgust at the thought of such a commercial eyesore invading the skyline of your community. Yet when some older sign or billboard is threatened, everyone is suddenly up in arms, rushing to its defense. How does something as mundane as outdoor advertising grow to become considered an essential piece of the urban fabric? [More]

Police Put Up Signs To Remind Motorists How Stop Signs Work
Can a financial incentive make people change their driving habits? One police department in Pennsylvania is taking a slightly passive-aggressive approach to preventing accidents with signs that remind motorists how stop signs work. “Complete Stops: FREE,” the signs say. “Rolling Stops: $128.50. Your choice.” Police in neighboring towns are interested in the signs now, too. [More]

Alabama Restaurant Owners Claim Wells Fargo Won’t Fix Issue That Cost Workers $30K In Tips
An Alabama restaurant has plastered signs around a Mobile neighborhood accusing Wells Fargo of being run by liars, after the bank reportedly cost employees of the establishment tens of thousands of dollars in tips and refused to remedy the situation. [More]

Utah Restaurant Owner Removes Over-Sized Genitalia From Bull Sign After Uproar
The owner of a steakhouse who added an extra-large genital enhancement to the bull on the restaurant’s sign says he’s removing the nether bits that caused a slew of complaints from residents, but he’s not doing it because of the controversy. [More]

Coffee Shop Paraphrases Jay-Z To Explain Why You Should Stop Talking On Your Phone When You Order
Among the complaints we hear from people on the other side of the foodservice counter is that there are always some customers who won’t stop talking on the phone when it’s their time to order. [More]

Someone Should Inform This Walmart That These Beers Are Neither Fresh Nor Local
Yes, Virginia is for lovers of all kinds, craft beers and otherwise. But it’s also all about promoting its state’s various foods and beverages, as any state is wont to do. You know how it is — pride, homegrown industry, all of that good stuff. Which is why perhaps someone at either this local Walmart or the Virginia Board of Tourism needs to do a little background research before promoting certain beers as a way to “Buy Fresh, Buy Local.” [More]

Should I Be Warned About A Deaf Cashier?
During Jon’s last trip to Target, he noticed something unusual: a sign in his checkout lane advising customers, “Cashier Is Hearing Impaired.” He found the sign unnecessary and potentially embarrassing for the employee. What do you think? [More]

Sign At Closing Borders: 'Manga So Cheap, You Don't Need To Steal Them Anymore!'
Reader Syndicate Product spotted this sign at a Borders store in liquidation, noting that manga and graphic novels were only 30% off at the time…and then there’s the 8% sales tax in this area. Not particularly cheap, then. The sadness and frustration still come through. [More]

Math Problems: How Much Percent Off Is This?
Reader Nathan spotted these confusing sale signs at a Belk and can’t figure out how much off he’s supposed to get. Can you? [More]

Truth In Advertising For Pork Rinds?
W shot this photo at his local grocery store, leaving it a mystery as to exactly which crap-flavored snack the sign is labeling. You can see my guess from the headline, although I wouldn’t be surprised at all if the sign is referring to Vienna sausages instead. [More]

Geek Squad Will Turn On Your Ebook Device For You For $29.99
The best way to understand Geek Squad is to realize that they will help you with anything if it means they can charge you a fee. Want batteries in your remote control? Having trouble putting a USB plug into its port? Need to know the time? OPTIMIZE IT WITH GEEK SQUAD. Those are just solid business ideas and not (yet) actual services, but Geek Squad’s real offerings are almost as absurd. For example, Nate from snapped this photo of their newish “eBook Device Setup” service for your Nook or Sony Reader, which promises to turn it on (“provide a functionality check”) and show you how to read (“what to expect when you take the device home”). [More]

"Weat Paent Man" Sign At Lowe's Makes Reading Fun Again
There is a free thinker at the Lowe’s in Fort Oglethorpe, GA, who has rejected the system’s stifling rules for spelling. Nice penmanship, though. (Thanks to Tim!) [More]

AMC Guarantees Upsell Or Your Popcorn Is Free
Bad moviegoers, you haven’t been spending nearly enough on overpriced concessions. Don’t worry though, AMC is going to make you a promise: if they don’t offer you an upsell on your next visit to the concession stand, you’re going to get a free small bag of popcorn. [More]

7 Ways To Tell Your Neighbors Are Running On Empty
Writing on LiveCheap, Karl Wolf put together a sad-but-funny list of signs that reveal the poverty of those who live near you. [More]

What Does Prosperity Taste Like? Beef.
What does prosperity taste like? According to McDonald’s in Singapore, it tastes like beef. From a historical point of view, I suppose that’s true.
What’s a Prosperity Burger? It’s a beef or chicken burger on a long bun, almost like a small sub sandwich, with onions and a black pepper sauce. If you want mega prosperity, apparently you need to add some twisty fries.
(Thanks to Dan for the picture!)

Hidden Cameras Catch LA Valets Breaking All Kinds Of Laws
An excellent piece of investigative journalism by NBC Los Angeles catches valets all over the city putting up fake no parking signs, jamming meters, and using customers’ cars to shuttle valets around.