Has it just been too long since you’ve felt the panic rising from your stomach and into your throat at the idea of competing for Black Friday specials? You’re in luck! Walmart and Lowes are both pushing so-called spring “Black Friday” discounts in an attempt to stir up some business, or maybe just to make us feel like the walls are slowly closing in… [More]

Who Knew You Could Buy A Snack Sauna, Earth Fur & A Length Checker At Lowes?
You know that stuff, it’s green and grassy, and you put it on the ground to cover dirt? Lowes and other home improvement stores, well, they call that “sod.” But it really makes much more sense as “Earth Fur.” Just like a ceiling fan should logically be called, “Spinny Windy.” If only someone would go around stores and replace those boring, non descriptive signs out for better ones. [More]

Toilet Scam Flushed Out When Man Goes Directly To Cashier To Return Stolen Commode
The funny thing about returning an item at a store? You have to have purchased the product in the first place. Cops say a man’s theft was flushed out quite easily when surveillance cameras at a Pennsylvania Lowes caught him grabbing a toilet and bringing it directly to a cashier to return it. [More]

Lowe’s Shopper Injured When Bullet Explodes In Purse
You hear of people who handle guns improperly and end up worse for wear, but it’s not every day you read about a person injured by a bullet that is nowhere near a gun at the time. [More]

Ordering Appliance At Lowe's Results In Cascade Of Incompetence
The employees at his local Lowe’s store were pretty great, reader Tony tells us, but ordering his stove online with multiple store gift cards wasn’t such a good idea. When he hit “Submit,” the order didn’t go through, and the Lowe’s customer service buffoons weren’t able to tell him what had happened. A visit to the local store resolved the situation, resulting in the actual delivery of the stove. Which was damaged. [More]

Where 'Delivery Date' Doesn't Mean 'Date When We Will Deliver Your Dishwasher To Your House'
In Paula’s letter to Consumerist, she said something unusual that caught our eye. She sincerely wished that she had ordered her new dishwasher from Sears rather than Lowe’s. What makes a person express such crazy desires? She had assumed that the “delivery date” displayed for shoppers on the Lowe’s site stood for the date that the appliance would be delivered to and installed in her home. Not quite. [More]

Buying An Extended Warranty From Lowe's? Keep The Paperwork Very, Very Safe
When the dishwasher that Greg bought at Lowe’s broke down after a failed repair, he called up the store. A manager instructed him to bring the appliance, which was covered under an extended warranty, in to the store and they would exchange it for one that actually worked. Only when he brought it in, the employees on duty treated him “like a criminal” because he had lost the receipt in a recent move. Wait, don’t appliances have serial numbers that they can use to look up warranty information? Nope.

You Can't Fix A Washing Machine With A Microwave Door
Lori’s front-loading Whirlpool washing machine is broken, and has been since the end of November. This would be less infuriating if Lowe’s hadn’t sent six large boxes of the wrong parts to her house, as well as two repairmen who can’t do anything because the correct parts still haven’t shown up. She wrote to Consumerist in what is clearly a laundry-induced rage. [More]

Legislators Call For A Boycott Of Lowe's After It Pulled Ads From American Muslims TV Show
Lowe’s seems to have jumped right from the frying pan into the fire, amidst a controversial move to pull its advertising from a show on TLC about American Muslim families. So far at least one legislator is calling for a boycott of the store for doing so. [More]

5 Bad Deals In Extended Warranties For Holiday Shoppers
Extended warranty plans are generally known as being bad deals for consumers. But how specifically are they bad? An insider who works, begrudgingly, for an extended service plan company lays out some of the worst extended warranty deals to watch out for when shopping this holiday season. [More]

Buying Sears Refrigerator Ends In Gnashed Teeth
Remember when stuff just worked? You bought it, brought it home, and it diligently performed its advertised function? Me neither, but suposedly there was a bygone era where products were made to last, instead made to break. In any event, we’re certainly not in those times now, and Jeff’s tale of trying to buy a simple refrigerator from Sears is proof positive. [More]

Line Your Samsung Oven With Aluminum Foil, Void Your Warranty
Do you line your oven with foil? Rae does. She always has, and her parents always have. It’s such a normal thing to do with an oven, it didn’t occur to Rae not to do it. She lined her oven with foil, then popped a frozen pizza in there on the first night after it was delivered. The foil melted the interior oven surface, and now Samsung tells Rae and her husband that they’ve voided the warranty. [More]

Lowe's Wants You To Be Your Own General Contractor At Home
Eric’s dad bought his kitchen renovation from a local Lowe’s store. What he didn’t know is that to wander in and buy services like this from a big-box home improvement store, you personally are in charge of the comings and goings of the different contractors, and must know enough about construction to make them come in the right order. Funny, I thought that was the entire point of going to a big-box store and hiring them to install everything for you. [More]

Climb In Your Time Machine To Take Advantage Of This Rebate At Lowe's
“Hi STEPHEN,” said the e-mail intended for new homeowners that Steve received from Lowe’s. “Get settled in with up to $400 cash back on Whirlpool Gold Kitchen Appliances!” How thoughtful of Lowe’s to tempt customers with a great rebate offer… that ended two months ago. [More]

Lowe's Puts Me Through A Lengthy Song And Dance For Flooring
Stories like the one we heard from Consumerist reader James S. just make us flat-out exhausted by the time we’re finished. In this case, it involves a lengthy ordeal with Lowe’s as James and his wife try to get a new floor installed. [More]

Lowe's Teaches Us: Protection Plans Are Useless, And/Or Lock Up Your Receipts
W. warns us all: don’t buy expensive tools and the Master Protection Plan that goes with them from Lowe’s. If you do, keep the receipt somewhere that you will absolutely not lose it, like a fireproof safe or stapled to your forehead. How does he know? It all begins with selling a used saw that originally came from Lowe’s. [More]