We got a tip from someone today with a funny pic of a misspelled McDonald’s sign at the University of Missouri campus in Columbia, MO. We thought we’d do a Google search to see if this was old news or not. What we found out was that “Angus” is too ripe a target for word vandals, or even just opportunistic photographers, to pass up.

Apple's Color Coded Employees Confuse Shopper
An Apple store in Ohio doesn’t want to clutter up its elegant store layout with signage, so you have to rely on a color coded system to find the appropriate employee to ring up your purchase. It’s like the Homeland Security Advisory System, retooled to measure how inconvenienced you’ll be.

$10 XSport Fitness Upgrade Really Costs $20
Cache asked about the $10 “Super Power Pass” add-on at his local XSport Fitness club today—the sign in the window says “work out where you want, when you want with a Super Power Pass for just $10 more*,” and lists “Chicago – New York – Washington” across the top. We don’t know what’s linked via that asterisk, because the fine print on the ad is so small that it’s unreadable in the photo Cache took, but as you might expect there’s no such thing as a $10 add-on that lets you use any XSport Fitness.

Shell Introduces Ice Cream That You Can Grill With
It looks like Shell has finally figured out a way to combine the awesomeness of ice cream with the grilling power of propane. It probably doesn’t taste very good, though. (Thanks to swarrior216!)

Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs: Some Assembly Required
Jim spotted this confusing sign at a Fry’s store in Campbell, Calif. On a display of compact fluorescent light bulbs, the store helpfully notes that some assembly is required. “Is it safe to assemble your own fluorescent light bulbs?” he wrote. “I mean with the dangerous mercury vapor and all?”

Better Bring Some Wire Clippers With You When You Shop At This Walmart
You’ll need them to cut off the right amount of penny at the cash register. Or, we suppose you could add something to your cart that includes 6/10 of a penny to even it all out—but that’s how they get you, with those “even penny” purchases. (Thanks to Amanda!)

Target Is Losing Its Mind
Taken with yesterday’s sign denying its own existence, we are worried that Target, or at least its labelmakers, might be having some kind of existential crisis. You’re freaking us out, Target. Thanks, Caitlin!

This Coffee Shop Has A Lot Of Rules
Little-known fact: some coffee shops can be havens of passive-aggressive behavior. Reader Paul discovered what might be the most passive-aggressive coffee shop we’ve ever seen, and he’d like to share its dysfunction with the world.

Home Depot Begs You Not To Leave The Store Because Of Their Crappy Service
Reader Shawn submits this photo that he took at Home Depot. The sign begs you not to leave the store if you’ve experienced bad customer service…

This Bank Of America Sign Is Woefully Honest
Or as Holly, the tipster who took the photo, writes, “[there are] so many things right with this picture.”