Utah Restaurant Owner Removes Over-Sized Genitalia From Bull Sign After Uproar

He says he woke up one day and realized that the bull would be just as effective on the sign if it didn’t have the long cone-shaped phallus it originally included, reports The Spectrum.

The bull, before surgery. (KSTU)
But it’s not because of all the naysayers out there he says, adding that he called up the city to explain himself first.
“I told them I am not removing the penis for you or because of your complaints. I don’t like you. I’m doing it for me,” he said. “I just decided it would look better without the weenie. And oh my God! It’s beautiful.”
City officials say that though a stream of complaints have come in from people about the restaurant since it opened in 2009, there’s no cause to revoke its business license.
The owner says he filed all the proper paperwork to get the sign approved, which the City Manager admits, but added that “the dimensions of certain parts of the animal don’t seem to be built the same way as in the plan that came to us.”
The bull’s bits caused a controversy recently when the animal showed up atop a stack of signs for the restaurant, but it’s not like the owner planned it that way, he claims.
“I didn’t put it up to piss them off; I put it up because it’s an amazing piece, and I bought it as-is, but I am having fun with all the attention, and it’s brought in more customers,” he said.
At the same time, he admits that the cone shape didn’t feel quite… right.
“But I don’t know what a weenie on a bull is supposed to look like,” he says.
Owner alters Barista’s infamous bull [The Spectrum]
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