
Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Philanthropy: Twenty Ways to Improve the World, Even If You’re Broke [The Simple Dollar] “Here are twenty things anyone can donate to make the world a better place without blowing up their budget.”

Growing Your Human Capital: 11 Ways to Boost Your Income-Producing Ability [Get Rich Slowly] “Earning a higher paycheck isn’t easy these days, so it takes deliberate planning [and] extra work.”

10 Tips for Working for Yourself — Without Working Yourself to Death [Money Talks News] “Here’s what I’ve learned, some of it the hard way.”

10 Reasons To Buy a Home [Wall Street Journal] “Enough with the doom and gloom about homeownership.”

Are you misplacing hundreds of dollars? [MSN Money] “Every time you buy a duplicate of something you already own, leave a rebate unclaimed or forget to pay a bill on time, you’re burning money.”


Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Here are ten of the best photos that readers added to The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, picked for neatness and usability in a Consumerist post.

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

The Active versus Passive Decision [Free Money Finance] “If you’ve ever wondered why passive investing beats active investing, this article is for you.”

10 Fees You Shouldn’t Be Paying [Kiplinger] “Awareness and planning will help you avoid these unnecessary charges.”

Best New Car Deals – and 7 Tips to Drive a Hard Bargain [Money Talks News] “In short, dealers aren’t doing well, so deals abound.”

20 clues you need a money makeover [Smart Spending] “Among the clues: Are you afraid to open your credit card bill or look at your receipts?'”

Get energy tax breaks while you can [MSN Money] “You could buy energy-efficient products and get 30% of your cash back, but the deals may not last.”


Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Here are twelve of the best photos that readers added to The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, picked for neatness and usability in a Consumerist post.

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

7 strategies to avoid the college debt trap [The Washington Post] “Here’s my guide for parents about avoiding the student-debt trap.”

Acing Tricky Questions [Wall Street Journal] “The way you react to a question or work through an answer can actually score more points with the interviewer than the answer you give.”

Going to Be a Mommy? Know Your Rights [Wise Bread] “A look at the rights you do have under both federal and state law in the U.S.”

10 Things Plumbers Won’t Tell You [Smart Money] “#1. There’s an old plumber’s adage: ‘An ounce of prevention could cost me thousands.'”

19 things your millionaire neighbor won’t tell you [Smart Spending] “If you’re like him, you’ll accumulate your wealth gradually by diligently saving your money over multiple decades.”


Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Here are twelve of the best photos that readers added to The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, picked for neatness and usability in a Consumerist post.

Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

10 Things Money Managers Won’t Say [Smart Money] “#1: ‘You may have more investing experience than I do.'”

3 Proven Ways to Save Real Money at Garage Sales [Wise Bread] “Here is how I managed to get some awesome deals!”

6 Tips to Stretch Your Back-to-School Cash [Money Talks News] “Here are five tips for stretching your back-to-school dollars.”

Tips on tipping for 63 services [NY Times] “You know how much to tip the pizza delivery guy, right? But how about the fishing guide, tour guide or tattoo artist?”

Getting a Will: Six Common Questions [Bucks Blog] “Some common queries that tend to arise when writing a will.”


Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Here are eight of the best photos that readers added to The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, picked for neatness and usability in a Consumerist post.

Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

How to Replace Six Vital Documents [Get Rich Slowly] “Here’s how to replace six of the most important documents in your life.”

Is it time to dump your budget? [MSN Money] “If you want to get your finances on track, a written plan is the way to go — but you shouldn’t have to do it forever. Here’s how to tell when you can finally go without.”

Rent or Own Your Home? New Rules [Money Talks News] “It’s time to understand a few fundamentals when it comes to deciding whether to rent or own.”

How to Be Frugal and Still Be Asked on Dates [NY Times] “Saving may be making a comeback, but it still hasn’t gotten its sexy back, particularly if you’re a man.”

8 DIY Projects to Add Value To Your Home [Kiplinger] “These projects shouldn’t take more than a day to complete. And they’re all easy on your wallet.”


Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Here are thirteen of the best photos that readers added to The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, picked for neatness and usability in a Consumerist post.

Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

How Much Would You Tip This Dedicated Domino’s Driver?

An Easy Way To Get Wells Fargo To Remove A $30 Fee

Woman Says Southwest Refused To Serve Her Alcohol, Wouldn’t Say Why

Five Guys Named Best Fast Food Burger In U.S. By Zagat Guide

This Hobby Lobby Reserves The Right To Search Your Car

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Three Myths About Earning More Money [Free Money Finance] “If you want to really start earning more money, you’ll need to be able to identify and overcome three big myths of entrepreneurship.”

Win With Low-Cost Mutual Funds [Kiplinger] “A new study by Morningstar found that low-cost funds beat high-cost funds in every time period and data point tested.”

The New Rules of Movie Rentals [Smart Money] “Choosing where to rent movies may soon depend in part on what gadgets you own.”

A Guide to Becoming a Part-Time Bicycle Commuter [Wise Bread] “I was able to make the car to bike transition due to a few variables that I was able to control.”

Toys of the ultra rich: what they cost [CNN Money] “Sure, it’s expensive to buy the toys of the rich and famous. But buying them is just the start – once you have them they cost a small fortune to keep.”


Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Here are eleven of the best photos that readers added to The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, picked for neatness and usability in a Consumerist post.

Recent Recall Roundup

Recent Recall Roundup

The world is a dangerous place. Or at least it seems that way when you read the latest recalls from the CPSC. Inside: play pens, pacifiers, minibikes, dehumidifiers, and decorative torches that are trying their best to kill you. [More]