Reader “Nick” manages a store that sells DVDs. And while store managers have many, many legitimate gripes that they could share with the Consumerist Nation, Nick has a very specific complaint about Walmart. It’s his belief that Walmart is making Americans stupid. Well, stupider. Hear him out. [More]
California Restaurant Settles Suit Over Racial Slurs Written On Receipts
A California man sued a restaurant in federal court, accusing it of discrimination for leaving racial epithets on his receipts. Weeks before the case was set to be heard by a jury, the restaurant and the customer reached a settlement with undisclosed terms. [More]

This Receipt-Handling Dog Is Adorable, But Is It Icky?
By now, there’s a chance you are one of the million or so people who have already watched the viral-buzzworthy-internetty-whatever YouTube clip of the dog that apparently works at a veterinarian, where it takes a printout from the printer, takes it to the assistant, who staples a receipt to the page, and then brings the whole thing to the customer. [More]

Chick-Fil-A Cashier Just Assumes Customers' Names Are Ching & Chong
One would think that by this point in the internet’s existence that employees at any sort of business that puts customers’ names on receipts might be aware of the fact that putting a potentially offensive nickname, description or slur on said receipts is probably nowhere near as hilarious as it initially seems. [More]

Returning Wedding Gifts To Walmart: Not All That Easy
The greeters aren’t the only ones at Walmart who demand your receipt. If you’ve registered for your wedding or other gift-lavishing occasion at there, know this: Wally World treats registry returns without a gift receipt as returns without a receipt. Even though they’ve got your registry right there, showing that someone else bought the item for you and precisely who bought it. Nope, being a registry item isn’t good enough. Reader Chris shared his sad tale, which ends with him being stuck with an air compressor and an awful lot of Walmart gift cards. [More]

Get More Money When Airline Loses Luggage By Having Receipts For Every Piece Of Clothing
Airlines play the lowball game when they lose your luggage, offering paltry compensation and making it hard for you to get a fair value for your lost items. It demands a bit of an anal mentality but you can help yourself if you’ve saved the receipts for everything in your baggage, writes the Airfarewatchdogblog. [More]

Walmart Caught Shortchanging Customers With Gift Receipts
Next time you return an item to Walmart using a gift receipt, make sure to check your change. You could be getting less than you deserve and not even know it, reports CBS Sacramento. The problem is if the item goes on sale after it was bought. Poorly trained cashiers will refund the sale price instead of the original price. And because gift receipts are generally set up so that they don’t list the price the item was bought for, the person making the return isn’t even aware that they should be getting more back. [More]

Do You Like E-Mailed Receipts For Offline Purchases?
Our smart-shopping colleagues over at ShopSmart magazine recently noticed a promising trend at some high-end retailers: stores e-mailing your receipt to you rather than printing it out on old-fangled paper. Stores trying it out include Apple Stores, Nordstroms, Anthropologie, Urban Outfitters, and a few Whole Foods stores. [More]

Target Sells Bike Without Brake Parts, Won't Exchange Without Receipt
When buying someone a gift at Target, always, always, always ask for and give a gift receipt. It’s useful not only when the gift is the wrong size or something the recipient doesn’t like or need, but also when it’s defective. Kekoa’s daughter received a bicycle from Target for her last birthday, a gift from her grandparents. Some parts were missing from the box, but employees at the local Target were helpless and unhelpful because the family didn’t have a receipt. [More]

Man Buys 1 Powerade At Rite Aid, Gets 21 Inch Receipt
Josh bought a singular Powerade from his local Rite Aid. He handed over one dollar and thirty-six cents. In return, he received not only his Powerade, but a 21 inch-long receipt. [More]

Calm Man Successfully Buys TV And Denies Walmart Receipt Checkers
Rick is the Gandhi of receipt-check deniers. He writes in with a story of how he bought a 37 inch TV from Walmart and was able to successfully say no to the receipt checker blocking his way with his body. Rick did this by calmly and reasonably explaining his position to the assistant manager who showed up and by ignoring everyone around him who was trying to provoke him. Sometimes the quietest voice speaks the loudest. [More]

Buy A $3.50 Hat, Get A Mile-Long Receipt For Free
When Eric bought a hat at Sears, the receipt printer unspooled in the manner of toilet paper stuck to the bottom of one’s shoe. Included along with the record of his transaction was a customer service survey and several pointless coupons. [More]

Get A Gift From Target? Guard The Receipt Carefully
When giving or receiving gifts from Target, keep careful track of the gift receipt. If you don’t, the store’s policies might cause you to lose some money, then feel some rage. That’s what happened to Chris when he exchanged a set of sheets that were the wrong size. Even though he swapped them for a smaller (and thus cheaper) set, he had to pay Target extra for the privilege. [More]

Pizza Hut Receipt: "Careful This Gal Is A Bitch"
Apparently, at one Nebraska Pizza Hut, complaining about a botched order makes you a bitch. When one customer called to complain about her order, she received a credit for free pizza. That pizza arrived with a special message on the receipt: “CAREFUL THIS GAL IS A BITCH.” She chose not to eat the pizza that came with that message, afraid it had been tampered with.

Buy A Burger At Sonic, Get A Free Hooker
Forget that racist Domino’s delivery slip or that Kroger receipt long enough to have a ticker-tape parade. The freebie offer on this receipt from Sonic takes the cake. [More]

Buy Two Things At Kroger And Get A Free Yard Of Receipt Toilet Paper
With the rest of the world trying to cut down on the use of paper, it is apparently up to the grocery industry to keep destroying trees in the name of ridiculously long receipts. [More]

Best Buy Actually Thanks Consumerist; Open To Suggestions On Whole Receipt-Checking Thing
Most Consumerist readers would guess that it’s unlikely that the people at Best Buy will be inviting us over for dinner anytime soon. So it’s a nice surprise to see the company actually thanking us for a story. [More]

Burger King Manager, Employee Fired Over 'F@ck You' Receipt
You might remember the story from last week in which a Burger King customer was less than pleased when he looked at his receipt and saw that his order number had been replaced with the words “FUCK YOU”. Now comes news that the employee responsible for the F-bomb and her manager have been given the sack. [More]