Jeff says since his local grocery stores put Similac on sale, his daughter hasn’t been able to get the full price back for the recalled Similac she returned because she doesn’t have her receipts. Without proof that she bought it before it went on sale, they will only refund her the sale price. “Who saves grocery receipts?” he writes. “My daughter was out $40 with everything she returned and repurchased a different product.” [More]

Walmart Asks You To Please Have Your Receipt Ready
So as to mentally prime shopper drones to show their papers, a MI Walmart has taped a sign to its cash registers asking them to keep their receipts out for the greeters. [More]

The BPA! It's On Your Receipts! Get It Off Aaaa!
The Environmental Working Group has a theory to explain why bisphenol-A, the controversial chemical that’s sometimes found in plastic bottles and can linings, shows up in the urine of over 90% of the population: it’s on paper receipts. The group found BPA on 40% of receipts collected from the sorts of businesses you visit every week, with the concentration topping 1000 times that of a can lining in some cases. [More]

Burgerville To Print Custom Calorie Info On Receipts
If you’d like to stare, horrified at the fact that you have just ordered a lunch of 1,213 calories, Burgerville is your new favorite burger joint. [More]

Famed Fake Newspaper Columnist Sides With Receipt Checkers
As any dedicated Consumerist follower knows, our readers generally fall down pretty squarely on the side of not having to show your receipt when you exit a store. That being said, we should always welcome the dissenting view, especially from a respected journalist. [More]

Customer "Damn," Your Order Is Ready
Dan’s name is Dan, but Panera seems to have heard differently, as evidenced by this receipt. “We all had a good laugh,” Damn, oh damn, I mean, Dan, writes. [More]

My Walmart Broke Away From Corporate Policy By Refusing My Receiptless Exchange
D says he bought some clippers from Walmart, then turned around and decided to take them back and exchange them for something of higher quality. Management turned him down because he had no receipt, despite the fact that the move apparently broke away from Walmart policy. [More]

Hey, Nerds! Your Takeout Order Is Ready
Whoever wrote up this Macaroni Grill guest check apparently looked at the customers waiting for the order, then called it as they saw it. [More]

Why Was I Banned From Walmart For Not Showing My Receipt?
Consumerist reader Jeremy says he’s recently been barred from entering any Walmart store in the country. Why? Because he politely declined to show his receipt to a greeter. [More]

Kmart Wouldn't Exchange Shoddy Briefcase Because I Lost Receipt
Margaret found her Kmart wouldn’t budge on its no-exchanges-without-receipts policy, even though she bought a Kmart-exclusive briefcase that fell apart within two days and submitted all the evidence she could think of to prove she’d made the purchase. [More]

How To Protect Your Receipts
There’s a slight problem with many receipts these days–they’re printed on thermal paper, and over time they fade. Some readers were discussing this in the Kodak warranty thread from earlier this week, and I thought it might be useful to highlight it here for other readers. [More]

Without Proof Of Purchase, Your Warranty Options May Be Limited
Rob’s digital photo frame stopped working a few days ago, so he contacted Kodak to see whether they could help him. He writes that he knew it was at least one month out of warranty because the warranty is for one year, and he’d been given it as a gift a year ago on Christmas. Still, he was hoping Kodak would cut him a deal or do some sort of above-and-beyond thing.
Instead, he found out that as far as Kodak was concerned, it had been out of warranty for over two years

Walmart Manager Takes Customer's DVD Away Because He Won't Show Receipt
Yep, it’s another Walmart receipt checker story! At the end of it, the OP asks, “What should I do?” And I sigh. I really don’t know. Don’t shop at Walmart anymore? Try to encourage your friends to not give their business to any company that acts in such a hostile way to honest, albeit uncooperative, customers? Spend a ton of money on a lawsuit that Walmart will use its very deep pockets to fight? [More]

Hey Stores! How About Offering Some Cash Back With That Receipt Check?
In the comments to our most recent receipt check story, I noticed a reader argued that as long as the store wasn’t willing to reimburse him for his time, he wasn’t willing to give it to them. It makes sense; nothing in the marketplace is free, right? Why shouldn’t consumers be compensated for bag searches and receipt checks?
Another reader, Adam, suggested a similar idea in his email to us this morning. In fact, he thinks maybe the exiting-the-store moment could be a chance to make a little extra cash.

Walmart Holds Another Customer Hostage
Kerri (not her real name) says she was detained last week at a Walmart in Utah, after she declined to show the receipt checker her receipt on the way out. She says a police officer blocked her from leaving, told her to show the receipt checker more respect, and then had her go back inside and let Walmart examine her bags while he wrote down the info from her drivers license. [More]

Lady Foot Locker Wouldn't Let Me Keep My Receipt After A Return
Michael says Lady Foot Locker wouldn’t let him keep his receipt after he returned an item, and that this wasn’t the first time. He writes: [More]

Crazy Customer Makes Death Threat In GameStop, Gets Hauled Off By Police
A man in Michigan grew so angry that GameStop wouldn’t take back his Xbox without a receipt that he threatened to kill someone and went to get something from his vehicle. The GameStop clerk called 911, and “Four Troy police officers, armed with rifles, stormed into [the] Oakland Mall store” and subdued him. He had an illegal stun gun on him but no firearm. [More]

82-Year-Old Receipt Checker Chases Thief
This security footage from a BJ’s Wholesale in Florida shows a man trying to steal two computers, and the store’s elderly greeter/receipt-checker giving chase. Almost all the good stuff happens off screen, so you’ll have to imagine the awesome karate moves that probably ensued. It’s retail crime fighting in action!