Tens of thousands of Pizza Hut customers received something unexpected this weekend. No, not a pizza, but notice that their credit card information may have been impacted during a security breach at the pizza company… two weeks ago. [More]
pizza hut

Pizza Hut Is Sorry-ish That Store Stopped Workers From Fleeing Florida Ahead Of Hurricane
For the better part of a week, residents in areas expected to be affected by Hurricane Irma were making plans to evacuate. But at least one Pizza Hut restaurant in Florida tried to restrict employee’s evacuation plans ahead of the storm. [More]

Pizza Hut Workers Use Kayaks To Deliver Food To Hurricane Harvey Victims
In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, flood waters have wreaked havoc on much of southeastern Texas. So when a Pizza Hut manager heard there were families trapped in their homes without food, she decided that if she couldn’t get to them by land, she’d send pizza over the water — by kayak. [More]

Pizza Hut Worker Pepper-Sprayed Coworker In Dispute Over Toppings
We often hear of customers overreacting during conflicts with store employees and restaurant workers, but sometimes, even fast food coworkers turn on each other. [More]

Customer Service Worker Gone Rogue Tells KFC, Pizza Hut Customers To Order Domino’s Next Time
If you’re going to fire a customer service rep, you need to make sure they can’t get back into your system and wreak havoc… like the former rep who managed to reply to dozens of emails from KFC and Pizza Hut, telling them the restaurants don’t care about complaints anymore, and to just “order from Domino’s next time.” [More]

Pizza Hut Is Betting $130M It Can Bring Customers Back
While rival Domino’s has managed to pull off a major comeback, Pizza Hut has been struggling for years to turn around slumping sales. In an effort to keep up with the competition, it seems the company figures it might as well throw a bunch of money at the problem. [More]

30 Times Pizza News Made Us Really, Really Happy
While there is absolutely no reason not to celebrate the cheesy glory and wonder that is pizza any and every day of the year, the Department of Arbitrary Holidays has decreed that today is National Pizza Day. What better occasion to remember all those times pizza made us happy? [More]

Pizza Hut Worker & Company Head Trade Places: She Gets Super Bowl Tickets, He Does Her Job
In a classic job switcheroo, this year a Pizza Hut employee will enjoy the boss’s Super Bowl seats, while the company president covers her usual restaurant duties. [More]

Pizzas, Pot & Fields Of Gold: 7 Important Firsts In Online Retail History
How long have you been shopping online? People have been using electronic networks to buy and sell things for 40 years, and the first commercial transactions over the web took place over 20 years ago. Compared to bricks-and-mortar retail, where it took more than a century to evolve from catalogs, boutiques, and haberdasheries to big box stores, online retail has seen a significant amount of innovation in a very short amount of time. [More]

Pizza Hut Brings Back Cardboard Pizza Dresser For The Holidays
Hey, remember that cardboard dresser of pizza that Pizza Hut imported from its overseas outlets for the holidays last year? That odd product, the Triple Treat Box, has returned this year, and comes with an Xbox giveaway and the same selection of pizzas, breadsticks, and cookies. [More]

Stranger Pays For Family’s Dinner At Pizza Hut Because Parenting Ain’t Easy
While not every parent can come prepared with things like goodie bags to apologize in advance for any bad behavior their kids may exhibit, that doesn’t mean that they’re not going to try their best to make sure their children don’t act out in public. One single mom was rewarded for the not always easy effort of parenting when a stranger visited a random act of kindness upon her family. [More]

Pizza Hut Believes It’s “Re-Inventing The Stuffed Crust Experience” By Using 3 Kinds Of Cheese
There’s only so much you can do with a pizza before it becomes something that doesn’t even resemble a pizza — there’s a fine line between novelty food and monstrosities like the cheeseburger crust creation. But things like sauce, crust and cheese are pretty safe bets, so far as widespread appeal goes, which is perhaps why Pizza Hut is tripling down on the dairy and introducing a 3-Cheese Stuffed Crust Pizza. [More]

Real-Life Cheeseburger Pizza Sightings In UK Rather Disappointing
Yesterday, we shared the news that the grease-filled sunflower known as the Cheeseburger Pizza made its way from Pizza Hut Middle East to Pizza Hut UK. We focused on its awesomeness and calorie content, but as with all heavily-promoted fast foods, the real question is this: how terrible does it look in real life? [More]

Pizza Hut’s Cheeseburger-Stuffed Crust Menace Spreads To United Kingdom
Almost a year and a half ago, the unholy spawn of a pizza and a platter of cheeseburger sliders arrived in Pizza Hut outlets in the Middle East. It’s a stuffed-crust pizza, but with little mozzarella-topped burgers embedded in the crust. The whole thing looks like a grease-filled sunflower. [More]

Redundant Currency Symbol Menace Spreads To Canada
We’re sorry, Canada. We share a dominant language and many aspects of our culture, but we didn’t mean to export the horror of redundant currency symbols. That’s the grammar abomination where someone uses both the symbol and word for a currency in the same sentence: for example, “$15 dollars.” After our rant on the subject earlier this week, reader Daniel pointed out its appearance in a current Pizza Hut promo in Canada. [More]

Test Your Internet Knowledge With Consumerist’s History Of E-Commerce Quiz
We’ve mentioned it before and now Pizza Hut is proudly crowing over it again: The chain is laying claim to the honor of the first purchase ever made on the World Wide Web — a mushroom, pepperoni and extra cheese pizza back in 1994 — which brings up a good point: How much do any of us really know about the history of e-commerce? Take Consumerist’s quiz to find out. [More]