In a classic job switcheroo, this year a Pizza Hut employee will enjoy the boss’s Super Bowl seats, while the company president covers her usual restaurant duties. [More]
trading places

Pizza Hut Worker & Company Head Trade Places: She Gets Super Bowl Tickets, He Does Her Job

DOJ Sues To Stop United And Delta From Swapping Slots At NYC-Area Airports
When two major companies decide to get along, it’s not quite so simple as exchanging friendship bracelets — each side usually sees some benefit. For example, airlines United and Delta want to get friendly, so they’ve agreed to swap slots at two New York City-area airports. One hitch, however, is that the United States Department of Justice isn’t a fan of the plan. [More]

Family Shocked To Discover Their Father Had Been Cremated & Another Man Was In His Casket
A family in Washington State had a doubly disturbing shock at the funeral of a man recently, when they found out that not only was the wrong body in his casket, dressed in his clothes and with a photo of the man’s wife tucked inside, but he’d been cremated as well — and he was terrified of being cremated. [More]

Yes, Commodities Trading Used To Be Exactly Like ‘Trading Places’
The Consumerist staff are children of the ’80s who write about business and finance, and 25% of us are from Philadelphia, so naturally we love the movie “Trading Places” a little more than the average person. But does it accurately portray the world of commodities trading? People can’t possibly make their fortunes selling frozen concentrated orange juice futures…right? Well, no. They can. [More]