Buying a car is like playing a long, exhausting chess game that in the best-case scenario ends with you sinking deeper into debt as you drive off the lot in buyer’s remorse. In the worst-case scenario, you drive off as the salesmen high-five each other while chuckling about your idiocy. The least you can do is prevent this from happening by peeking into the enemy’s playbook. [More]
money saving tips

Don't Do These Things If You Want To Save Dough
Tips on how to save money are well and good, but advice on what not to do is at least as valuable. Time’s It’s Your Money blog takes the negative approach to keep you from making financial mistakes. [More]

5 Poor Deals In Grocery Aisles
Ever-helpful scam watchdog Omie over at LiveCheap has scanned the grocery aisles and unearthed five tricks grocery manufacturers use to get you to pay more to buy less. [More]

4 Things You Should Rent Rather Than Buy
Budgets Are Sexy argues that people throw their money away on many items they’d normally buy without a thought. Here are four “buys” that you should should highly consider switching to “rents.” [More]

4 Ways You Pay To Be Lazy
Debt Ninja reasons that many of day-to-die life’s seemingly built-in-costs are just the price of sitting on the couch and doing as little as possible. He meditated in his money-saving samurai way and came up with four things he could do himself that he routinely pays for. [More]

Barter, Slum It, Go Rustic To Save On Living Costs
There is more than one way to skin a lease. Not only can you negotiate to bring costs down, but there are other ways to slash your rent budget. Well-Heeled Blog digs up a few that might not have occurred to you. [More]

Freeload At Your Library Like A Champ
Any self-respecting cheapskate knows the library is your one-stop shopping for free access to the internet, magazines, DVDs and drinking fountains. [More]

Video: If A Pop Starlet Used Drunken Whore Powers For Penny Pinching
Frugaliciousdef parodies Kesha’s Tik Tok in this half-awful, half-genius, totally mesmerizing music video about clipping coupons and shopping for deals.

Sweet-Sounding Deals That Are Actually Awful
Just because a deal sounds appealing at first glance doesn’t mean it will hold up to scrutiny. Yahoo digs up eight pieces of fool’s gold that don’t pan out if you’re looking to save money. Tops among these is unlimited long distance: [More]

10 Ways You May Be Getting Hosed
Yahoo points out 10 money traps that are easy to fall into. Many are superstitious habits that you can easily shake off, including the one about overpaying for name-brand workout shoes: [More]

Facts And Myths About Cutting Gas Costs
BillShrink writes in with some tips on how to cut the costs of fueling your car. Just as valuable as the tips to cut costs are the way the email shoots down myths about gas-saving methods that don’t really work. [More]

5 Digital Fees To Avoid
LiveCheap posts 5 fees you might pay without realizing and offers ways to eliminate them. Sorry, divorced dads, the story does not show you a way to get out of paying child support. [More]

5 Ways To Save Money On Your Cell Phone Bill
Taryn from BillShrink writes in with some helpful tips that can cut your cellular costs: [More]

How To Ensure You're Never Stuck With Overdraft Fees
Robb wrote in with a suggestion on how to bank without ever getting stuck with an overdraft fee — make sure as many plastic purchases as possible come from prepaid cards. His method seems like a hassle but may be worth the effort for those who can’t keep tabs on their checking account balances. [More]

50 Things To Do With Your Money In Your 50s
Hank at Own the Dollar lists 50 financial moves to make in your 50s. [More]

To Save On Car Repairs, Ask Dealership For Referrals
Peter has stumbled on a way to save big money on car repairs: ask the dealer to refer you to their go-to mechanics, schedule an appointment with the source and tell ’em who sentcha. He says the technique has slashed his car repair bills: [More]

Buying Tix For Overbooked Flights Got Me Bumped, Well-Rewarded
A clever testimonial on Money Crashers explains how the writer procured four free flights by buying tickets for potentially overbooked flights, then getting bumped and paid off in travel vouchers. [More]

Tell Car Insurance Company You're Driving Less, Save On Premiums
It almost seems like a bad joke from a Geico commercial: I lost my job, but the good news is I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance! [More]