Newsflash for college students: That student loan money may seem like a never-ending fountain of easy cash, but you’ll probably be paying for the ridiculous junk you buy now well into your 30s. Pennies you manage to save now will pay off in the long run. [More]
money saving tips

Save Money, Roast Your Own Coffee
Daily coffee shop runs can add up and hamstring your finances. If cutting down on your caffeine intake isn’t an option, you can grind away at costs by doing the legwork to roast and brew your own. [More]

How To Save Money On A Honeymoon
Honeymoons and frugality aren’t normally associated with one another, but extravagant, (hopefully) once-in-a-lifetime vacations offer ample opportunities to save some money for the real world that follows newlywed bliss. [More]

Easy Couponing For Beginners
Couponing is a potentially lucrative hobby, but it’s also a complicated one. Varying store policies, myriad sources, agonizing busywork and difficult-to-digest rules and restrictions tend to muck things up. [More]

Stretch The Life Of Your Laptop Battery
If your laptop is saddled with a battery so poor that you have to constantly be plugged into an outlet, you’re missing out on all the benefits a portable computer can offer. There are steps you can take to make sure your batter lasts as long as possible before you need to replace it. [More]

A Year-Round Tax To-Do List
It’s all the more urgent in this final week of the year to take care of all the tax-related odds and ends you can, but there’s also no better time to set up a tax-related plan of attack for next year. Bargain Babe surveyed some tax experts, including contacts at H&R Block and TurboTax, to come up with a list of money-saving must-dos that would make Tax Cat proud. [More]

Pitfalls And Advantages Of Coupons
Coupons are like horses, in that depending on how you handle them, they can either take you on enjoyable, smooth rides or buck you off and leave you trampled and broken. [More]

Money Maneuvers To Make By Year's End
As 2010 winds down, your April 2011 self will thank you for making some moves to lighten your tax bill and set your finances in order for the year ahead. Decisions you make in the next few weeks will have implications that last for months. [More]

Keep Getting Those Student Discounts Long After You Drop Out
Glory be to grad students, whose existence allows geezers in their 30s and beyond to be able to ask for student discounts with a straight face. [More]

Save $2 Per Pizza Hut Pizza By Avoiding Lingo
Pizza Hut charges $10 for large pizzas with three toppings or less, but ups the price to $12 for specialty pizzas. Josh checks in with the simple yet astute tip to avoid ordering a specialty by name, instead just getting the the three toppings to make the pizza qualify for a $10 order. [More]

6 Ways To Safeguard Your Income
Kimberly, who writes the U.S. News & World Report’s Alpha Consumer blog and has a new book out, wants you to control your finances rather than let them dominate you. [More]

Save Money By Changing Your Own Oil
I’ve never changed my own oil on a car and have no interest in learning how to do so. I’m terrified that I’d screw something up and ruin my engine. Yet it comforts me to know that some enterprising people — regular guys who don’t know everything about cars — can take it upon themselves to learn the fine art of oil changing and save themselves hundreds of dollars a year. [More]

Set Up A Home Office Without Blowing Your Non-Existent Budget
If you work from home for a while, eventually you’re going to want to upgrade from your recliner or kitchen table to something a bit more professional, if only to convince others that you don’t sit around all day in last night’s clothes watching Simpsons reruns. Even if that’s actually what you do. No, especially if that’s what you do. [More]

Slash Your Budget By Changing Routines
One of the easiest ways to go broke is to become used to spending too much on stuff without putting any thought into your bills and purchases. A few phone calls and clicks and new habits can work some wriggle room into your budget. [More]

Use The 'Burrito Factor' To Discourage Overspending
It would be easy to stay on a budget if there weren’t so many tantalizing products out there to tempt you away from your hard-earned money. But great savers employ tricks of the trade to make sure their priorities stay in order. [More]

How Not To Save Money On Life Insurance
In Bizarro World, most of us with life insurance feel guilty for paying so little to insurance companies. Budget Life checks in with several ways to allay those feelings of inadequacy by offering some things you can do to fatten up those premiums: [More]

How To Trick Verizon's Website Into Cutting $30 Off Phone Cost
Rob stumbled onto a secret maneuver that could save potential Verizon customers $30 on a phone upgrade. You just need to go through the motions of setting up a plan and selecting a phone then try to close the browser. [More]