Shoppers can already purchase a variety of juices from Whole Foods, but soon some customers in Southern California will be able to make — and then buy — their own juice at stores. [More]
do it yourself

3 DIY Teeth-Whitening Solutions You May Want To Avoid
Have you ever smiled into the mirror and noticed your teeth were a little too reminiscent of that cup of coffee you enjoy each morning? Teeth-whitening solutions range from expensive high-tech treatments, to commercially available strips and gels, to a vast number of cheap DIY suggestions posted on social media sites like Facebook and Pinterest. While some of these low-cost whitening methods may work, others may be ineffective or actually do more harm than good. [More]
Save Money By Making Your Own Window Cleaner
Many store-bought window cleaners have labels that list hard-to-pronounce chemicals as ingredients, but you don’t need that stuff to keep your glass clean. You can save a little money by making your own window cleaner. [More]
Finally Fix That Obnoxious Wobbly Wooden Chair
It’s easy to forget about a wobbly chair until a visitor gets stuck with it and highlights your incompetence with an offhand remark. If you’ve got a chair like that but have never mustered the time or will to fix it, maybe learning about how it’s done will give you the encouragement you need. [More]
How To Mix Your Wall Paint To Create The Perfect Color
You’ve spent hours sorting through paint sample cards to pick the color that seems just right, only to get home, slap some of it on your wall and decide it’s too light or dark. Instead of getting rid of the rest of your paint and starting over, you can make a tweak and nail the shade you were looking for. [More]
Be Slick And Make Your Own Hair Gel
If you buy hair gel and feel as though you’re getting ripped off by paying good money for gelatinous crud that you could probably make yourself, there’s an alternative. With minimal time and effort, you can make your own gel, give it whatever French name you desire and slick down your mane while keeping your wallet intact. [More]

Watch 3D Movies In 2D By Tweaking Glasses
If you can’t stand 3D movies, you can usually see the film at a 2D showing and save yourself the surcharge. But occasionally, social and temporal mandates may force you into the theater for a 3D show. To prepare for such an occasion, you can tinker with a pair of 3D glasses so you can watch the movie in 2D. [More]

The Benefits Of Making Your Own Laundry Detergent
Back in April, we talked about making your own laundry detergent. Gather washing soda, grated bar soap, borax and boiling water and you can avoid the store-bought stuff. Whether or not it’s worth making the product yourself is up for debate. [More]

3 Things You Can Make Instead Of Buy
With a pair of hands, some raw materials and imagination, you can make a lot of things you’d otherwise buy. Your do-it-yourself projects may or may not measure up in quality to manufactured goods, but at least you’ll know whom to complain to if you’re not satisfied. [More]

Oh, The Things You Can Do With An Old Wedding Dress
When Kevin’s wife left him, leaving only her wedding dress behind, he got creative with the garment, starting a blog that led to a book deal. The uses he has found for the dress are incredibly diverse, ranging from a scarecrow to a sports sign, jump rope and hammock. [More]

Change Your Own Tire And Save A Call To Roadside Assistance
While everyone who owns a car should know how to change a tire, the extent of some drivers’ knowledge on the subject is to pull out a phone and dial up roadside assistance. Learning how to do it yourself can save you from hours-long waits and unnecessary deductibles. [More]

Make Your Own Deodorant On The Cheap
Unless you’re the type of person who always ends up sitting next to me on airplanes, deodorant is a personal hygiene staple that can’t be ignored. While not particularly expensive, expert penny-pinchers and do-it-yourself-ers will be happy to learn that Mennen and Old Spice aren’t the only ones who know how to make magic stuff that makes you smell better. [More]

4 Ways You Pay To Be Lazy
Debt Ninja reasons that many of day-to-die life’s seemingly built-in-costs are just the price of sitting on the couch and doing as little as possible. He meditated in his money-saving samurai way and came up with four things he could do himself that he routinely pays for. [More]

Fix Up Your House Because You Want To Live In It, Not Profit Off Of It
The kids over at Consumer Reports are working on their August kitchen-remodeling story and are finding that there is less emphasis on remodeling homes with ROI in mind. [More]

Should You Keep Your Own Chickens?
We’re gonna say “nope.” But since we’re all here, let’s look at the recent New York Times article over the subject and consider whether the current “chicken boomlet” is right for you.

Hoard Stuff, Use It To Back Currency Of Your Creation
Printing your own ersatz currency is legal, so long as you don’t counterfeit government notes, which explains Disney Dollars, Microsoft Points, Linden Dollars and the like. Matthew McDermott of the environmentalist blog TreeHugger points to localities and business that run successful operations that use their own currency, including Ithaca Hours in Ithaca, NY and BerkShares in Massachusetts:

Create A Phone Stand For Free With A Business Card
Some PR person just sent us a notice about a new wallet-sized iPhone stand, which reminded us that there’s an easy and free alternative, and it most probably works for a lot of other (fairly thin) media devices as well.

Six D.I.Y. Tips For Cleaning Greenly And Cheaply
Harsh chemicals aren’t just bad for you and the environment, they’re bad for your wallet too. Cleaning most things, from clothes to your kitchen, can be done greenly and cheaply with these six nifty do-it-yourself cleaning recipes from Consumer Reports…