Green Lifestyle Magazine provides 10 simple ways to cut down on water use. [More]
money saving tips

See If You Qualify For One Of These 2009 Tax Deductions
Personal finance blogger Mrs. Micah unleashed a mammoth list of 2009 tax deductions on her blog, Finance for a Freelance Life. [More]

5 Financial Tasks For Baby Boomers
MSN Money offers financial goal-setting advice for Baby Boomers that can just as easily be applied to any other stage of life. [More]

Simple Ways To Slash Your Budget
Bargain Babe shares 10 easy ways you can cut your budget. Forward the link to anyone who still clings to their land line, which the blogger insists — correctly, in my eyes — nobody with a cell phone needs. [More]

Time Your Purchases To Make Them Count
Writing on Get Rich Slowly, April Dykman cobbled together of a list of the best times to buy everything. [More]

Don't Buy This Stuff In 2010
A SmartMoney story on Yahoo Finance declares 10 products as officially “out” for 2010. [More]

83 Ways To Be Smarter With Money While You're Still Young
Hank from Own the Dollar has put together a common-sense guide of 83 money moves to make while you’re in your 20s. [More]

Life Insurance Myths Debunked
Canadian finance blog Financial Highway is running a a financial mythbuster series, and the latest entry tackles life insurance. [More]

In Praise Of Old Cars
Maybe someday when frugality takes over, beat-up 1988 Honda Accords will trump fresh-off-the-lot Porsches as four-wheeled sex symbols. Blogger Well-Heeled can envision such a future, hyping the money-saving virtues of hoopties. [More]

Save Money On Your Home Office
Sure, when you’re at the office you think nothing of printing out 50-page forwards or swiping entire cases of staples and pens, but if you work at home it’s time to get conservative. [More]

Black Friday Deals To X Out With A Red Pen
Gizmodo has sifted through all the Black Friday deals and found the ones to avoid. [More]

Check Your Netflix Envelopes This Week For Blu-ray Coupon
Hacking Netflix spotted some sweet savings on the inside of envelopes sent out by the movie rent-by-mail service: $50 off coupons that would bring the price of an Insignia Blu-ray player down to about $100 or $150. The coupon expires Saturday.

A Stingy Scoundrel Explains How To Save On Groceries By Price-Matching
I wrote a (hopefully) humorous money-saving book called Secrets of a Stingy Scoundrel: 100 Dirty Little Money-Grubbing Secrets. The New York Post called it “required reading” Sunday, although not everyone’s a fan.

Build Your Own Extended Warranties
On his personal finance blog Consumerism Commentary, Flexo wisely advocates never falling for the extended warranty trap, instead setting aside the money you might have spent on the warranty and putting it into high-yield savings. The tactic lets you subsidize the cost of a replacement with interest, creating your own extended warranty.

How To Save Money On Gas
Thanks to insurance, auto loan payments and especially gas, it’s your car that owns you and not the other way around. Gas Buddy checks in with some tips on how to cut down on fuel costs.

How To Cut The Cable/Satellite Cord And Remain A Couch Potato
We’ve written about ways to cancel satellite or cable and still be able to watch a ton of shows before, an spotted this nifty refresher, posted back in June, from the Christian money blog Bible Money Matters.

Can BillShrink Tame Cell Phone Bills?
This Seattle KOMO News article about the free cell phone rate comparison site BillShrink — the site also compares gas prices and credit card offers — has an infomercial-like tone that almost made me dismiss it, but the evidence within convinced me BillShrink is worth a look.

You May As Well Start Saving For Christmas Gifts Now
A money-saving-themed blog called, well, “Money Saving Blog,” chooses not to gripe about the Christmas Creep and instead roll with it, putting together a well-crafted and seemingly comprehensive guide on how to avoid being hosed by the holidays by budgeting for trips and gifts and scaling down expenses as necessary due to economic circumstances.