5 Digital Fees To Avoid

LiveCheap posts 5 fees you might pay without realizing and offers ways to eliminate them. Sorry, divorced dads, the story does not show you a way to get out of paying child support.
One suggestion: Weasel out of cable box and modem rental fees by buying your own.
From the post:
Even if you’ve already negotiated the best possible cable deal with your provider, there’s one charge that you probably missed: the cable box fee or the cable modem fee. If your cable service is provided by Charter Communications, CableVision or another big operator, they’ll charge you a whopping $5 to $6.95 a month for each of these boxes. $10 – $12 a month for both of these works out to over $120 a year. If you’re stuck to cable, you can purchase a digital cable box in good condition online for about $30 and the cable modem will cost you another $25. It will take all of 6 months to recoup the cost. Ditch the rental and if you want to save more, dump your cable altogether.
Click the link for the other four suggestions. If you have any others to add to the list, don’t be shy.
5 Overlooked Digital Charges to Eliminate and Save $500 [LiveCheap]
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