
Thieves Suck Money From Supermarket Safes With Vacuum Cleaner

Thieves Suck Money From Supermarket Safes With Vacuum Cleaner

A pack of crooks has been on a four-year spree where they drill a hole in the pneumatic tube that takes money from the checkout to the cashroom and suck it right out the safe using a high-power vacuum. [More]

Mompetitors Make It Hard To Have Mom Friends

Mompetitors Make It Hard To Have Mom Friends

This is a great video that makes fun of “Mompetitors,” those crazy moms who are as addicted to their kids as they are to one-upping other moms about what superior moms they are. What makes it even better is that it was made by a stay at-home-mom. [More]

Apple Makes Newsday Take Down Awesome iPad App Ad?

Apple Makes Newsday Take Down Awesome iPad App Ad?

Last week Newsday put out a hilarious new ad to promote its new iPad app, and now Apple has made them take down the most widely distributed version, according to an insider tip posted by by Network World. Maybe it was because the ad shows a guy who has replaced his newspaper with the iPad trying to swat a fly with the device and ends up smashing his iPad into shards. The tipster said Apple told Newsday had to get rid of the ad, or they would eject their app from the App store. Touchy, touchy. In case you missed it, here is the ad again (reuploaded by another user): [More]

This Dunkin' Donuts Employee Doesn't Run On Anything

This Dunkin' Donuts Employee Doesn't Run On Anything

I guess it’s not appropriate to force Dunkin’ Donuts employees to drink the coffee they sell, but they should at least show up to work with their short term memory intact. [More]

Best Fraud Spam Ever

Best Fraud Spam Ever

Something about this spammed fraud attempt that landed in our inbox amused me. Maybe it was the chicken burgers for mother. [More]

Q: "Currently Receiving The Washington Post?" A: "Currently, I'm Trying To Have My Supper"

Q: "Currently Receiving The Washington Post?" A: "Currently, I'm Trying To Have My Supper"

This is pretty much the perfect reply to an annoying telemarketer, and the perfect complaint letter to send when he cusses you out. [More]

Ryanair's Newest Cost Cutting Idea: Remove Second Pilot

Ryanair's Newest Cost Cutting Idea: Remove Second Pilot

Did Ryanair’s publicity-chasing CEO Michael O’Leary read about that American Airlines flight back in June? In a recent interview, he suggested that one way to reduce costs would be to get rid of the second pilot and just make sure every flight has a flight attendant with a pilot’s license. [More]

Yelp Reviewer Gives 1 Star For Restaurant That Hasn't Opened Yet

Yelp Reviewer Gives 1 Star For Restaurant That Hasn't Opened Yet

As with any community-sourced online content, Yelp’s reviews can vary widely in quality. Still, this may be one of the most ridiculously self-entitled and clueless reviews anyone has ever posted about a restaurant: [More]

Mall Security And Suspected Shoplifters Engage In Car Chase

Mall Security And Suspected Shoplifters Engage In Car Chase

Earlier this month, two mall security guards in Montville, NJ, gave chase to a carful of suspected Victoria’s Secret shoplifters for six miles. Both vehicles eventually stopped at a liquor store parking lot two towns over, where a real policeman–who at first thought the guards were legit undercover cops–stepped in and started issuing tickets. [More]

Cami Secret Is A Fake Camisole You Attach To Your Bra

Cami Secret Is A Fake Camisole You Attach To Your Bra

To others, the “Cami Secret” appears to be a camisole, but it’s actually a hankie you attach to your bra. [More]

Summer's Eve To Ladies: If You Want A Raise, You'd Better Wash Your Hoo Hoo

Summer's Eve To Ladies: If You Want A Raise, You'd Better Wash Your Hoo Hoo

Maybe you thought bizarre “fix your naughty bits!” ads for feminine hygiene only appeared back in your grandparents’ era, but no. This Summer’s Eve ad from Women’s Day magazine says that if you want a raise, one of the first things you can do is shower with “Summer’s Eve Feminine Wash,” although it might also be a good idea to bring some “cleansing cloths” with you “for a quick freshness pick-me-up” right before you ask the boss for more money. That’s all in tip #1; tip #7 says “Don’t let the conversation stray or get personal.” [More]

Stashitware Turns Your Underwear Into A Man Purse

Stashitware Turns Your Underwear Into A Man Purse

Hey guys, do you know what will really sex up a special occasion? First, take off your pants to reveal your enormous crotch bulge. Then reach into your underwear and pull out a 2 liter bottle of Coke. [More]

Clothing Care Labels For Dummies

Clothing Care Labels For Dummies

For those who can’t decipher the hieroglyphs on clothing care labels, now there’s one that suggests a helpful alternative. [More]

Canon 7D Or Barbie Video Girl: Which Is Better?

Canon 7D Or Barbie Video Girl: Which Is Better?

Sometimes when you’re comparison shopping for electronics, it helps to find a fan-made video test that looks at the devices side by side. Luckily for you, if you can’t decide whether to buy an $1800 Canon 7D or a $50 Barbie Video Girl, now you’ve got some help. (Hint: only one of these can be called “the sassiest camera money can buy.”) [More]

Comic Explains Why AT&T Is Oblivious To Reception Problems

Comic Explains Why AT&T Is Oblivious To Reception Problems

It all makes sense now. [More]

This Condom Warning Label Arouses Confusion

This Condom Warning Label Arouses Confusion

A reader bought this box of condoms from her local Safeway, and she says this sticker was underneath the outer packaging. People be freaky, but is there anyone who would want a raw chicken condom that you have to keep frozen until use? (Meh, probably.) [More]

Rap Video Pimps Elizabeth Warren For CFPA Head

A lot of folks are rooting for the smart, fierce and uncompromising Elizabeth Warren to head up the new Consumer Financial Protection Agency. And now the cowboy rappers have thrown their 10-gallon hats in the ring. [More]

Wetzel's Pretzels Definition Of "Forever" Spawns Wormhole

Wetzel's Pretzels Definition Of "Forever" Spawns Wormhole

Reader Ben snapped this pic of a sign at Wetzel’s Pretzels. It reads, “Strawberry Lemonade FOREVER.” Below that, it says, “For A Limited Time”. Apparently trying to resolve this paradox is what originally put Stephen Hawking in the wheelchair. [More]