
An Animated Takedown Of The Kardashian Kard

An Animated Takedown Of The Kardashian Kard

Those wascally NMA folk took a swing at the Kardashian Kard with a new comedic animated video. They waste no time skewering the fee-laden prepaid debit card marketed towards children. My favorite part is when Kim runs away laughing as her tween fans paw ineffectually towards her, their feet shackled to balls and chains of debt. [More]

Animated Pig Bunnies Explain Quantitative Easing

Animated Pig Bunnies Explain Quantitative Easing

Still don’t understand quantitative easing? Is it really just “printing money” or something more subtle? These animated xtranormal pig bunnies seem to have a grasp, at least judging by the millions of hits this movie of them explaining it has gotten. “The only thing deflating is the Fed’s credibility,” says one pig bunny to the other. [More]

SNL's Black Friday Stampede Sketch

SNL's Black Friday Stampede Sketch

SNL this week did a pretty good parody of Black Friday madness with this madcap fake ad for “Mega-Mart.” “Your shopping gorge can only be stopped by one thing: boxes! So everyone in our Mega-Mart 12 minute frenzy will get a free boxcutter at the door!” [More]

Wells Fargo Has A Dispute Representative Named "Dispute Representative"

Wells Fargo Has A Dispute Representative Named "Dispute Representative"

It seems Wells Fargo has an employee whose actual name is “Dispute Representative.” Or at least so it would appear by the letter he received in his response to his request to have an erroneous item removed from his credit report. Guess the guy found his perfect job. [More]

Guy Gets $273 Worth Of Free Stuff From Various Companies Just By Asking

Guy Gets $273 Worth Of Free Stuff From Various Companies Just By Asking

A blogger decided to stage an experiment, buying $39 worth of stamps to send letters to random companies asking them for free stuff. His haul justified the up-front expense several times over, netting him $273 worth of freebies. [More]

Watch A Man Subject Himself To Four Loko In The Name Of Journalism

Watch A Man Subject Himself To Four Loko In The Name Of Journalism

There’s been a lot of talk lately about Four Loko and whether or not the mix of energy drink and alcohol is dangerous or irresponsible. There’s also some concern about whether or not the beverage is marketed to kids. One brave soul decided to subject himself to several cans of the potent potable, then tested his ability to recite Shakespeare, play Call of Duty, and flirt with a lady. Let’s watch. [More]

Man Reports Own Order As "Suspicious Package"

Man Reports Own Order As "Suspicious Package"

Police blotters can be depressing, but sometimes they’re just wonderfully amusing. Take, for example, the plight of a mercifully unnamed individual who reported his own order as a suspicious package. [More]

Buy A Truck, Get A Free AK-47

Buy A Truck, Get A Free AK-47

A used truck dealer in Florida, birthplace of dreams, is offering an interesting promotion. Buy a truck and get an assault rifle thrown in the back for free. [More]

How About An App That Warns You When Your Ex Is

How About An App That Warns You When Your Ex Is Near?

We have enough fart, funny picture manipulator, and Starcraft build simulator apps. How about something utile for a change? Lost at E Minor has several propositions, including the “ex” radar that tracks your significant ex so you can avoid running into them in person. Of course, this could be use by stalkers to make sure they run into their ex, but let’s not kill the joke with overthinking. [More]

"There Will Be Blood" For SNES…

"There Will Be Blood" For SNES…

Finally the video game version of “There Will Be Blood” comes to the SNES in all its 16-bit glory. Prospect for oil, face off against level bosses featuring your favorite characters from the movie, and backstab, backstab, backstab. I give it five milkshakes! [More]

Hilarious Toys You Won't Want Near Your Kids

Hilarious Toys You Won't Want Near Your Kids

As you get ready to go Christmas shopping for the little ones, be thankful you won’t find toys like this in the aisles any longer. [More]

USPS Jerry-Rigs Amazon Package To Your Mailbox

USPS Jerry-Rigs Amazon Package To Your Mailbox

Who knew mailmen were so crafty? [More]

Law Firm Opens Drive-Thru Window

Law Firm Opens Drive-Thru Window

Instead of bricking over the drive-thru window when they set up shop inside a former Kenny Rogers Roasters, one law firm decided to keep it and offer its clients drive thru service. [More]

Debt Collector Robot Has Amnesia

Debt Collector Robot Has Amnesia

A wacked-out debt collector robot left a weird message on one of our reader’s voicemail. Seems someone forgot to properly program its “Madlibs” file. Take a listen and you’ll see what we mean… [More]

HER-NAN Saves Kingdom With Powers Of Castle VISAskull

HER-NAN Saves Kingdom With Powers Of Castle VISAskull

VISA is blanketing Argentina with a new ad in which a shopper named Hernan is turned into “HER-NAN,” like HE-MAN, imbued with the powers of Castle Greyskull. You don’t need to know Spanish to experience the awesomeness, but we also have a translation. [More]

The Template For Every Weasely Science Article

The Template For Every Weasely Science Article

Ever read an article about some scientific finding and wondered why you felt like you knew less afterward than you did before? And not in a wow, my mind has been blown, but in a what the heck was that rubbish kind of way. Have heart, as a satirical article in The Guardian skewering the format for every single useless and weasely science story ever written explains why. [More]

Panda Kicks Your Ass If You Say No To His Cheese

Panda Kicks Your Ass If You Say No To His Cheese

A compilation of several delightfully disturbing ads for Panda Cheese from the Middle East. If you say no to his cheese, he looks at you with gooey eyes while lovey music plays, then he gets all gangster on your ass. But you can purchase panda rampage insurance just by buying a box of Panda Cheese. Apparently, that’s just the name, it does not contain panda milk. [More]

Guitar Center Customer Loses Fight With Elmo

Guitar Center Customer Loses Fight With Elmo

Who would punch Elmo in the back of the head? A disgruntled customer at a Guitar Center in Florida, that’s who. The Elmo performer was working a gig at a toy store next door, then wandered over to Guitar Center. That’s when a customer came in, played some drums, behaved aggressively toward other customers and staff, then punched Elmo. [More]