2014 hasn’t been a great year for our planet overall, but here’s one bit of great news in our otherwise gloomy world. Following the news that Five Guys plans to offer bacon as an ingredient in their new customizable shakes, even wackier burger chain Red Robin has announced that they’ll be offering bacon shakes with bourbon, caramel, and a strip of candied bacon to stir the whole thing with. [More]

New Hampshire Clarifies: Yes, You Can Use A D.C. License To Buy Booze
What is it with all the Washington, D.C. confusion lately? There was that Transportation Security Administration agent who reportedly had no clue the District of Columbia was part of the United States, and now New Hampshire has had to clarify that yes, a D.C. license is a valid and acceptable form of identification one can use to provide proof of age when buying booze. Sigh. [More]

Mexican Restaurant’s Alcohol Menu Divided By Gender Because Obviously Ladies Like Weak, Sweet Drinks
While there’s no reason you can’t order whatever you want off a given menu — unless you are trying to order a kids’ meal and aren’t an actual child, in which case you could run into some issues — one Brooklyn Mexican restaurant has a helpful guide for those who might not know which part of the menu you should be looking at. Namely, there are the drink categories “For Everyone,” “For Kids,” “For Men” and “For Ladies.” [More]

Punching The Flight Attendant For Refusing To Serve More Booze Will Get You Arrested
There’s a difference between the customer who is always right, and the customer who is (allegedly) too drunk and doesn’t need anymore alcohol, despite any demands by said customer. A Los Angeles man is facing a federal criminal charge after his adamant requests for more booze were denied, allegedly prompting him to punch a flight attendant on a recent Philippines Airlines flight. [More]

Sriracha Vodka Is Here To Chili Up Your Booze
Sriracha mania continues nationwide. The newest product with the flavor of spicy chili to hit the market? Vodka. We were ambivalent about the idea until we saw UV Vodka’s serving suggestion on their site: use in Bloody Marys. Hmm. Sounds good, whether that’s before or after you add the cheeseburgers to your tomato-based mixed drink. [UV Vodka via Jezebel] [More]

Costco’s Clever Plan To Sell Both Gas & Liquor In D.C. Results In Death Threats
In Washington, D.C., you can’t sell alcoholic beverages and gasoline at the same business. But when Costco came to town, it didn’t throw up its hands and do away with one or the other parts of its business. Instead, it got clever and figured out a way to sell both booze and discount gas, a move that hasn’t gone over well with other gas stations in the city. [More]

The Drinks Mix Themselves When Liquor Aisle Narrowly Misses Crashing Into Shoppers
The liquor aisle is a place brimming with possibilities — do you want wine or beer? Dark rum or light? There’s so much to choose from! The choices can become even more intimidating when they are all falling toward you in a wave of crashing glass and sloshing liquid. [More]

Drink Tiny Sips Of Moonshine From Mini Mason Jar Shot Glasses
In case you’re not up on the trends, all of the coolest adults are pickling and canning the massive hoards of locally-grown vegetables that they haul home from farmer’s markets and their community-supported agriculture shares. When you’re not shoving peaches in them, it’s trendy to drink beverages out of canning jars. You know, re-purposing something that you already have. Then there are the shot glasses. [More]

Sandy Tries To Make Up For Devastation By Delivering A Stocked Bar To Neighborhood
Sandy ticked off a lot of people, but at least in one small, boozy way, she’s taken a step in making amends with the residents of one Brooklyn neighborhood. During her reign of havoc last week, Sandy pulled a marina pub loose from where it floated near the business’ main structure and sent it floating two miles to a residential street. [More]

Perhaps You Would Like To Dress As A Sexy Banned Boozy Beverage For Halloween
Banned party fuel Four Loko may now lack caffeine, but that doesn’t mean it’s left the public consciousness. Witness this Halloween costume: a can of Four Loko. A sexy can of Four Loko. [More]

Spot The Problem With This CVS Coupon
Reader SaberTail got a pretty average receipt on a recent trip to CVS: a trailing banner that could, in a pinch, be mistaken for an unspooled roll of toilet paper. We exaggerate only a little. It had three coupons, one of which just contradicts itself out of existence. [More]

Wine Products: The Booze Equivalent Of Velveeta
In American stores, you can find food-like substances that call themselves “cheese food products” or “meat products” that contain some meat or dairy, processed beyond all recognition. Think Slim Jims or Velveeta. But diluted “wine products” lurk on shelves in those uncivilized places where people can’t buy food and booze in the same store. They look like bottles of wine and have wine-like labels…until you read the fine print and learn that they’re wine cut with sugar water and grape juice, and bottled in the idyllic wine country of Bayonne, N.J. [More]

Wait Until You Buy Beer At Walmart, Leave Store To Start Drinking
When you need a beer, you need a beer. But the law requires you to wait until you actually own the beer and exit the store, and in many cases, make it all the way home before you start guzzling. A 57-year-old South Dakota man who allegedly plays by his own rules was arrested for tossing caution to the wind and getting his chug on in the Walmart aisles. [More]

Pennsylvanians Still Paying Tax To Rebuild Town Flooded In 1936
It’s been 122 years since Johnstown, PA, was nearly wiped off the face of the planet by a flood that killed more than 2,000 people. And it’s been 75 years since even more damage was done to the down by the St. Patrick’s Day flood of 1936, spurring the commonwealth to enact a tax on alcohol sales to help rebuild the town. Luckily, that tax was only needed for a few years, so it’s obviously long since been repealed… right? [More]

Meet The Frat-Boy Entrepreneurs Who Created Four Loko
The men who created Four Loko are exactly who you would expect to bring such a strong caffeine-infused booze confection into the world: former frat boys from a large midwestern university who attended college when Red Bull and vodka was king. After a few false starts, their company, Phusion Projects, briefly owned the caffeinated alcohol market, and because of that success got the kind of brand recognition that no company wants. [More]

Olive Garden Serves Sangria To Toddler In Sippy Cup
The past month has been a booze-fueled haze for the nation’s toddlers at chain restaurants. After a Michigan child received a cup full of alcoholic margarita mix instead of apple juice at an Applebee’s, a Florida Olive Garden filled a toddler’s cup with sangria instead of orange juice. The child was checked out at a local hospital and was unharmed. [More]

Compared To The Rest Of The World, Americans Are Light Drinkers
Despite the best efforts of Tom Cruise to capture the booze-swilling hearts of a nation in Cocktail, Americans have one of the lowers per capita drinking rates in the world. [More]

How To Get Your Fatty Christmas Drink On, Or Not
One of the basic tenets of surviving December is that there must be enough alcohol to make the holidays, and the experience of answering “So, you’re still single?” for the eleventy billionth time, remotely tolerable. Getting fat during the festive season? That’s as unavoidable as your drunk Uncle Jim’s annual tradition of passing out under the Christmas tree, so why not tip the scale and get tipsy at the same time and get it over with? [More]